There is a lot to unpack here but I think I get the basic gist of what you 
are asking. For reference I ride a drop bar AHH, a drop bar Sam and a 
Billie bar'd Platy. I'm an older rider and I too suffer some aches and 
pains while riding. Nothing debilitating but it is noticeable. Sometimes 
more than others. Like you I experience some aches in my C spine between 
the shoulder blades. This is from holding my head in a position to see the 
road in front of me. I am also seated at a computer most of the day while 
working which can be harmful to your posture if you aren't vigilant. 

 I am not so certain your pain is related to not maintaining a good posture 
on the bike while riding. I'm not a medical professional and I don't think 
you would come here for medical advice. At least I hope not LOL! 

I would want to know what you are doing off the bike. You didn't say what 
you did for work but if are spending your days sitting at a desk and then 
you hop on your bike to go ride. Your body is in a hunched position all day 
long and then you are in the same position while you pedal. If that were 
the case I could see how some aches and pains could crop up. 

Riding an upright style bike on days where you aren't feeling it may help 
but I'd be more inclined to shorten your ride or not ride at all. Also pay 
attention to your posture off the bike. Having awareness of your posture 
during your day to day life will be more beneficial then only making those 
adjustments while riding. 
On Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 12:56:14 AM UTC-4 wrote:

> @Jay,
> I have been a roadie for 53 years. I retired my road bike sixteen years 
> ago. I was growing old. I became tired of riding in the drops. I wanted to 
> ride upright. My posture in my neck and shoulders were hunched over. 
> Over the many years, it became a struggle with me trying to find a bicycle 
> that I could fall in love with again. I went through about four different 
> bicycles. 
> In the fall of 2022, I purchased my first Rivendell Clem Smith Jr. "L" 
> bicycle. It was a 59cm. Over the course of a little over a year, I 
> concluded that the 59cm size was not working for me. It was too large. I 
> sold it. I found and bought a 52cm Clem as a "Demo" at RBW headquarters 
> last November.  
> Since then, I have adapted very well in riding the 52cm Clem. It fits me a 
> lot better than the 59cm. I am very happy with it. I have the Nitto Bosco 
> 58cm handlebars. These bars I really love for an upright riding position. I 
> have zero weight bearing down on them. All my weight is on the seat and 
> back tire. When I come home from my rides, I feel my posture is a lot 
> straighter, than before. 
> I ride mostly pavement on the nearby trails near where I live. 
> Occasionally, I will go off road, when the feeling for adventure strikes me.
> The only problem I have is a personal issue in discomfort with the loss of 
> subcutaneous fat on my bum riding my saddle at 69 years old. I am nearing a 
> resolution with optimism. 
> Kim Hetzel. 
> As one grows older, the handlebars get higher and the gears get lower.
> On Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 8:15:45 PM UTC-7 Richard Rose wrote:
>> What Doug said, almost exactly x2.
>> Long time Roadie here but transitioned to MTB about 15 years ago - now 
>> 69. Never had serious issues with properly fit road bike. But after a lot 
>> of MTB riding it never felt right again. However, I started having pretty 
>> serious hand/wrist issues with straight MTB bars. Bought my Clem to have 
>> something comfortable to ride when not mountain biking. Instantly 
>> comfortable for all rides/surfaces and for up to six+ hours. So I got a Gus 
>> to have a swept back MTB. Both are superbly comfortable. Now I am back 
>> riding road/gravel when I do not want to drive to the trail. But when I do 
>> drive to the trail it’s more fun than ever.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On May 8, 2024, at 9:45 PM, Doug H. <> wrote:
>> When I bought my Clem Smith Jr it was a revelation in riding. I had 
>> ridden mostly drop bars for many years and like you I would have shoulder 
>> and neck pain after long rides. The Clem with Tosco bars and an upright 
>> riding position solved my aches and pains immediately. I also discovered I 
>> could ride for 3 hours without pain and my mileage wasn't much less than 
>> with a "road bike". I recently bought a Roadini with drop bars. The bars 
>> were up nice and high so I don't think I would have experienced neck or 
>> shoulder pain. But, I decided to swap the drop bars for Albatross bars. 
>> Swept back bars are my preferred and only bars now.  This is what works for 
>> me but I don't recommend it to people necessarily. I just share my 
>> experience and preferences if asked. Another thing about an upright posture 
>> is being able to take in the scenery better as I ride. Like I said, it was 
>> a revelation for me and has transformed my riding experience.
>> Doug
>> On Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 9:28:41 PM UTC-4 Jay wrote:
>>> I was always aware of bikes with a very relaxed geometry / setup, and it 
>>> wasn't until I started seeing Rivendell bikes and watching youtube videos 
>>> of people riding them that I really thought about it - is it more 
>>> comfortable than drop bars, even if I have a more neutral (not aggressive) 
>>> position on the bike (i.e., bars close to level with saddle)?  Would this 
>>> be a good option for just cruising around, but for 1-2 hours?  If I didn't 
>>> get along well with flat bars on mountain bike, would swept back bars be 
>>> better?
>>> I'm going to ramble a bit here, my apologies in advance.  I haven't 
>>> thought long enough about this to formulate my question succinctly. 
>>>  Hopefully you get where I'm coming from.
>>> *Quick background*
>>> - been riding a little over 20 years (closing in on 50!)
>>> - started with mountain biking (hardtail, singletrack); moved to road; 
>>> tried mountain biking two more times (I love being in nature) but didn't 
>>> like the thrill/danger, and hated the idea of driving to the trail head; 
>>> have been mainly on the road for last 15 years, though with 10 years of 
>>> 'gravel' bikes/riding
>>> - I've had ongoing issues with my cervical spine (nothing serious) and 
>>> this leads to some problems when riding in any sort of aggressive position 
>>> on the bike; I see a chiro regularly; stretch a lot; workout / strength 
>>> training; have had numerous bike fits
>>> - I have a Roadini, Salsa Fargo and a road bike (25mm tires, but custom 
>>> made and really does fit like a glove, for road)
>>> - I don't care about performance at all, I just love riding bikes, in 
>>> particular when roads are not busy, or on trails, gravel roads, etc.
>>> On a good day (75% of the time), I can ride any of these bikes and 
>>> during the ride I feel pretty good (little to no pain), maybe a bit of pain 
>>> after (could be neck/shoulders, but anywhere else really), and after 
>>> stretching I feel great in a 1/2 to full day.  I ride 4-5x a week, workout 
>>> 1-2 times spring-fall and more in the winter.  
>>> But at least once a week, and maybe twice, I'll be riding, sometimes 
>>> tired as it's after work, and within an hour I'm running low on energy and 
>>> probably start to develop a bad posture on the bike, over-using my arms 
>>> which causes problems in my neck and shoulders, leading to upper body 
>>> aches/pains (while riding, and after).  Takes a lot of stretching and 
>>> awareness to reset.  *This is what I'm trying to resolve (move from 75% 
>>> to 99%)*
>>> My guess is that even with a bike like the Roadini or Salsa, with bars 
>>> about level with the saddle, and even with a professional fitting on each, 
>>> when I want to ride but I'm lacking energy, it goes poorly.  But is that 
>>> because these bikes are "kind of" aggressive (when compared to say a spine 
>>> angle closer to 70% and swept back bars)?  Or is it simply a combination of 
>>> age, history of some 'issues', low on energy and thus bad posture kicks in, 
>>> and would any bike be a joy to ride, or should I just go for a walk on 
>>> those days!?
>>> I would love to hear from those who ride both drop bars and also swept 
>>> back (or similar) in a way more relaxed geometry, or those who transitioned 
>>> to mainly this style, because it almost fully resolved your issues, if 
>>> they're anyway similar to mine.  *On a day when you're not feeling it, 
>>> but you have to commute or just love to ride, do you leave the drop bar 
>>> bike in the garage and hop on your more relaxed bike, and thus avoid most 
>>> of the issues you would have had on the other (slightly more aggressive) 
>>> bike?*
>> -- 
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