> All that said, Bob is building me another bike.  So that one [a full-
> on/purpose-built Rando bike w/S&S couplers]

BB does this style of bike real well.  It should be a very worthy

> Plus the Bleriot [Big Dummy and Pugsley], and I am covered in my estimate.

Adequately covered I guess ;)

On Jun 12, 4:58 am, "S.Cutshall" <clotht...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sadly on one hand [so many fantastic memories, plus... how can I even
> begin to process personally what that bike has done for & with me?],
> and excitedly on the other [because it kind of means "Success, look
> what you've accomplished... "] the answer is, Yes I am.
> The Bob Brown custom [what I call "BBC#1" to differentiate from my
> wife's Bob Brown "BBC#2"], while it's gone through about 20 different
> incarnations as my body has changed in the last 4.5 years and is still
> sprite and nimble in its current setup, has a geometry that no longer
> can really be altered through components and adjustments to suit my
> body.  It's what I call, "Comfortably uncomfortable".
> I am stripping it down to just frame & fork and packing it away.  I'll
> never sell it [how could I?] but I am of the mind that it is time to
> look forward.  Some of the parts will go onto the Bleriot, some to the
> Parts Bin.
> All that said, Bob is building me another bike.  So that one [a full-
> on/purpose-built Rando bike w/S&S couplers], plus the Bleriot [Big
> Dummy and Pugsley], and I am covered in my estimate.
> After quite a bit of thinking, and then talking with my wife, it's
> time to pack it away... but I am excited about what's next.  And
> what's next for me is personally very big... and I'll be needing a
> bike that can take me into this new chapter.
> Made myself two basic promises at the start of all this: No.1 is
> intact and held close to heart, and accomplished & maintained daily;
> No.2, well that one... it's time to start paying up on that one
> because I have to know what I am capable of.
> Heavy heart, blah, blah, blah, yada, yada [but it is kind of heavy
> honestly said: BBC#1 saved my life]...
> -Scott
> On Jun 11, 2:52 pm, Jansenh <blink...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Scott,
> > Used to follow your blog (but didn't post much).
> > Are you retiring your Bob Brown, or is the Bleriot meant to compliment
> > (i.e. different purpose build).
> > On Jun 11, 12:52 pm, "S.Cutshall" <clotht...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Thanks folks...
> > > Yes, it's a 59.  I am 5ft 9in when standing without my wife nearby,
> > > 5ft 10.5in when she's around [I have a tendency to give-in to the
> > > 'life-long-drummers'/5-years-on-a-bike-cyclist/years-of-being-
> > > overweight slump' my spine enjoys, that is until my wife is nearby...
> > > and she makes me stand up straight by jabbing me in my ribcage].
> > > I am curious about the Hetres, and plan to try them sometime soon.
> > > Hopefully today I'll get some additional parts installed and post more
> > > photos...
> > > -Scott
> > > On Jun 11, 5:46 am, JoelMatthews <joelmatth...@mac.com> wrote:
> > > > I guess I did not realize you were so tall (of course I have only seen
> > > > you in flickr photos on my computer screen.  That looks to be a 59,
> > > > correct?
> > > > Anyway, it is shaping up fine. Nice SON up front, King in the back,
> > > > Velocitys. You will really be able to put some miles on that bike.
> > > > Give Hetres a try some time.
> > > > On Jun 11, 12:48 am, "S.Cutshall" <clotht...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > ...has -finally- begun.
> > > > >http://www.flickr.com/photos/30264...@n00/sets/72157624125215767/
> > > > > Very excited to get this bike up & running on the road.
> > > > > -Scott

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