I see their web catalog explanations are as clear as mud ! Maybe that's why 
they couldn't convey it to you either. They have 73mm UN55's but no 
explanations, only this...

113, 118

122.5 x 73, 48.8 chainline

123, B23X, Right +2.5mm
sigh ..... 

This can't work for the Silver crank on a Susie ? 
Well WHY ? .... simple question ... -:)

Just being honest, I tend not to want to deal with people that aren't able 
to give clear answers to my direct questions, or don't have the wits to ask 
me to clarify the questions, to be more specific to get a more specific 
answer. "Explain so a child can understand it" never seems to fail. "Why ?" 
can never be asked enough as far as I'm concerned. So to all those 
inquisitives asking repeatedly WHY ?.....I tip my hat to you in 
gratitude.... Y-Not ! 

I can't give you a specific answer about your crank/bb as much as I may 
wish to as I'm not a mind reader seeing things as they do. I have a stock 
of various length cartridges on hand and a bag of various spacers and I 
play around with the combo that suits where I want the crank to be in 
relation to the frame. Why ? :-) Because someone can "recommend" a certain 
setup and it be perfect from their perspective. That may or may not apply 
to anyone else though. It's no different that a mfr. spec'ing a certain 
spindle or chainline. It's proper from their perspective setting up, but 
doesn't apply to all the various possibilities otherwise. It is what it 
is.... let it go and do what you gotta do.. always with a smile ..... 

On Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 1:14:10 PM UTC-5 rmro...@gmail.com wrote:

> I asked about this when I bought my Gus and got no conclusive answers. I 
> really did not get a conclusive answer from Riv either. When I ordered a 
> bunch of components from Riv for my Gus build the answer I got about what 
> BB to get went something like " we will look into it and send you the right 
> one". The one I got does work but the box it came in does not give me the 
> information I seek.
> Here are my questions. Gus and Susie have 73 shells. Riv does not list 73 
> bb's for sale. And they suggest which 68mm IRD one to get for your 
> Gus/Susie - 123 width with right side spacer(?). Am I to conclude that 68mm 
> bottom brackets work on a 73mm shell? An Tange bb has become available that 
> is a 68mm with a 122.5 spindle. Will it work on my Gus. What about the 
> drive side spacer?
> Please excuse my ignorance. I would like to upgrade my bottom bracket and 
> really have no idea what will fit best. I gather a lot of different spindle 
> lengths will work but not ideally?

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