Patrick, Roaduno drops are rear facing but horizontal vs. the Quickbeam’s angled ones. I presume that means you could not adjust chain tension without also needing to adjust brake pads? That ain’t happening.:)
Sent from my iPhone On Feb 5, 2024, at 9:54 AM, Patrick Moore <> wrote:
Two teeth will require adjusting the axle-bb length. The Quickbeam and Roaduno have long track ends to hold the axle (or will the Roaduno have long forward-facing horizontals?).
With the chain adjusted for the bigger cog you might be able to ride, just, with the chain on the smaller cog, using a freewheel, but the chain will certainly be very loose. You would not want to do that with a 17/19 t Surly Dingle cog!
Andrew: Do you use a QR axle on your flip flop hub? I switched from 17 and 19 cogs on either side of my Phil to a 17/19 Dingle so that with the QR axle it's very, very easy and quick to change cogs.
Patrick "76 inches and 68 inches on the same side" Moore [Sometimes I wonder if a 17/20 would not have been better: 64"; but then realize that for this bike the 76" cruising gear and a 68" headwind and long incline gear is just about perfect; spot-on perfect would be 76" / 66".] Andrew, how does the dos freewheel work? Is the 2 tooth difference not enough to worry about chain tension? Sent from my iPhone The paint and fancier lugs on the RoadUno are beautiful, glad to see this coming. Still, I love my 66cm QuickBeam. I stick with a single ring up front and a Dos ENO 17-19 freewheel on the rear, with a 16 fixed cog on the other side. It gets me anywhere in Berkeley except up the steepest hills, and also serves as a fine S24O steed (I rode it from Ferry Building over GG Bridge to Corte Madera for Entmoot that one time. The thing maybe not clear until you ride a single is the extra body english you're going to be employing - I stand on the pedals a lot, and do paperboy up many slopes. This is fine, the delight of not ever shifting while riding is exquisite, and I enjoy the tighter bond with the bike. It's the "one" bike I'll never let go of.
- Andrew, Berkeley
On Friday, February 2, 2024 at 2:16:12 PM UTC-8 Edwin W wrote:
I like single speed bikes, many like single speed bikes. The simplicity, the possibility of fixed gear, it is the epitome of biking for me, I think.
I like the idea of the roaduno. So far it looks like it will have 700c/622 wheel size, long reach side pull brakes. Rear facing drop outs. Those are the main factors to think about, because stem length, handlebar and lever type, fenders or not, dynamo or not, are flexible on most bikes.
What is the competition, and what are they offering? Crust Lightning bolt single speed. 650b wheels with anti posts.
BMC Monstercross. 700c wheels and cantilever posts. But that has 135mm rear spacing, so not exactly built for single speed.
What else is out there that can take a 38mm (or so) tire with a fender?
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Patrick Moore Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
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