As a fellow Gus rider, I've had this experience many times on my local 
trails. Usually folks are very encouraging and supportive with comments 
like, "I can't believe you're riding these trails on that bike," or 
something along those lines. "Cruiser" is used a lot too. I guess those 
comments could be interpreted as pejorative, but I tend to just assume the 
bike is so outside of their normal experience that they automatically 
assume I'm new to riding a bike or riding trails. My favorite personal 
experience with this sort of thing was riding to the top of a highly 
regarded trail, which is only accessible via ~3,500 feet of single track 
climbing over ~12 miles. Gus was all dressed up with racks, a Wald basket 
in front, and a basket bag. Just before the downhill section began there 
were some full suspension riders taking a break and wearing full face 
helmets and head-to-toe body armor. They jokingly asked if I was Uber Eats 
bringing them food. It was all good natured fun, and they certainly made 
their way down the trail in a very different way than I did! I like to 
think we all had fun, and I'm sure glad I had a basket full of snacks to 
fuel me up and keep me out there all day. 
On Saturday, November 11, 2023 at 7:06:43 AM UTC-8 wrote:

> Richard,
> I thank-you for your best wishes for me to love my 52cm Clem as much as 
> you. At this point in time, it looks and feels very promising despite that 
> I have no even ridden it yet. I will tell you this much. When I picked up 
> my 52cm Clem and moved it after assembling it yesterday, I could not 
> believe how light it is compared to my 59cm Clem. My 59cm Clem feels like a 
> damn tank. I could not believe the comparison. I will not miss the weight 
> at all. 
> So silly of those riders asking you if you were on your way to have a 
> picnic. I have not had any silly remarks yet being out and about, less even 
> given recognition of my bike being a Rivendell. 
> I post pictures later in the coming days ahead.
> Kim Hetzel. 
> On Saturday, November 11, 2023 at 6:12:52 AM UTC-8 
> wrote:
> Kim, I hope you love that 52 Clem as I do mine. I once rode my Clem on the 
> very same trail that I rode yesterday, complete with front rack, basket & 
> basket bag. Riders passing me asked if I was going to have a picnic.:)
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 11, 2023, at 12:36 AM, Kim H. <> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> That is quite an experience you had interacting with those traditional 
> mountain bikers thinking that your bike was a cruiser. It proves that not 
> everyone has heard of Rivendell Bicycle Works. Life happens.
> I am very happy for you that you are in love with your new modified 
> cockpit of your Gus. It looks great with all the assorted colors.
> I sat in my new cockpit of my blue 52cm Clem earlier today for the first 
> time after assembling it. Believe me it was quite a change compared to my 
> 59cm Clem. 
> Kim Hetzel.
> On Friday, November 10, 2023 at 6:17:49 PM UTC-8 wrote:
> Not really shamed but while having a really good ride at one of my 
> favorite trails I passed a couple of riders on their traditional mountain 
> bikes. They caught up to me in the parking lot when my bike was already 
> loaded into the car. They asked " was that you that passed us on a cruiser 
> bike?" And, "what kind of bike was that, a Breezer? I answered it was a 
> Rivendell. I do not think they had heard of that name. It was all good fun 
> and I took it as a compliment. I am in love with my new cockpit on this 
> bike.
> -- 
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