Kenda Qwick Bitumen here on my office bike.  They came on an Appaloosa, and 
now roll on a fixed gear Crust.  

Your bike came with the Kendas, and you love your bike, and they 
practically never puncture?  APPROVE

I acknowledge there are people who can't imagine riding tires as bad as the 
Kenda Quick whatevers.  I also acknowledge that there are people who would 
turn down an ice cold Corona on a hot day because they can't imagine 
drinking that swill.  I'll take a bike ride on Kenda Quick Bitumen over not 
riding, and I'd take a cold Corona over going thirsty.

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA
On Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 2:57:59 PM UTC-8 Jim Bronson wrote:

> It is the Kenda QwickNine.  The beauty of these tires is that they don't 
> get flats in normal usage.
> I have other bikes that I run ReneHerse tires on.  But for what I use Clem 
> for, which is mixed terrain riding and commuting, they're great.  And 
> they're very forgiving about air pressure.  They ride fine down to about 
> 20psi, but you can inflate them to 50psi, or anything inbetween.  Or even 
> more if you like but the ride is more bumpy.
> Other bikes:  fill to whatever pressure causes the most optimal sidewall 
> deflection of 15% plus or minus 3 psi depending on usage and the alignment 
> of the stars, the planet's gravitational pull and canine flatulence along 
> my route of travel.
> Clem:  Tires have air?  Ok, let's ride.
> Jim
> On Wed, Nov 8, 2023 at 2:21 PM Eric Daume <> wrote:
>> I absolutely hated the stock tires on the Clem (Kenda Kwik Nines at the 
>> time). Maybe the worst feeling tire I’ve ever experienced. I can’t imagine 
>> six years on those things!
>> Eric
>> On Wednesday, November 8, 2023, Jim Bronson <> wrote:
> Well after 6 years of owning my Clem and riding it at least 1x weekly, 
>>> usually 4-5x weekly, I got a flat.
>>> I was doing my normal 3 mode commute, by car to the train station, by 
>>> train into town and by bike from the train station to the office.  Well I 
>>> rode my bike from the car to the train and was goofing off a bit and I 
>>> thought it was a seamless transition from the grass to the sidewalk in the 
>>> pre dawn light, well, it was actually a large sharp edge that was about 
>>> 4-5" higher than the grass.  Thankfully didn't go down, the front wheel 
>>> rolled over it but I'm guessing I either got a pinch or just exploded the 
>>> tube internally.
>>> I hung the bike up on the train and got out my laptop and did normal 
>>> work laptop stuff while riding the 40 minutes down to the office.  Well 
>>> when I stood up to unrack my Clem the front tire was flat.  Well I've never 
>>> had a flat on Clem before and although I had a spare tube, I did not have a 
>>> pump or other method of inflation.  So I hike a bike'd the 2.5 miles to the 
>>> office.
>>> I was able to buy a Schwalbe tube at the e-Bike store across the street, 
>>> albeit for a princely $18 for a SV19.  It's been holding air ever since, so 
>>> hopefully it will be another 6 years before I have another flat.  
>>> Gratuitous bike pic:  Clem on the train on a different day.
>>> Jim
>>> ATX
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