Obviously, the saddle and grips must match. I have a Brooks Honey saddle 
and honey bar tape for my Custom.
I seem to remember something about not wearing white after Labor Day...

Secondarily, when I bought my 1st Rivendell Sam Hillborne it had a 27.2 
seapost, when I bought my 2nd Sam Hillborne it had a 26.8 seatpost, same 
outer diameter - 28.6. The 26.8 uses 0.9 thick tube and the 27.2 uses 0.7 
thick tube. Then there is the Bombadil with 0.8 thick tube and a 27.0 
seatpost (same as the Guv'nor). At one time, Grant obviously thought that 
0.7 was thick enough. I honed the Bombadil out to 27.15 or so with an 
automotive brake cylinder hone, so that I could use the Nitto Lugged 
seatpost. It took may hours and two sets of honing stones. I have since 
purchased a 27.2 reamer that I haven't used yet, but I cannot image it 
taking over an hour, or even half an hour to do the deed. Prep will take 
longer - removing the crank and bottom bracket and cleaning out the seat 
tube and re-coating with Boeshield.


On Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 3:48:50 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:

> For the record, I think I was the first person that mentioned it and I 
> certainly didn't think it would take us down this whole path. :)
> I apologize for causing a distraction. I myself have not had it done (nor 
> do I want to) and was not really suggesting it, it was just a comment back 
> to Leah casually wishing that it took a 27.2 to increase the setback stem 
> options available to her. I know that others here have said they have done 
> it.
> On Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 12:52:22 PM UTC-4 mathiass...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> I'm late to the party here, but I can't believe there is a serious 
>> conversation about reaming out the seat tube enough to change seat post 
>> size.
>> Rivendell does not, as far as I know, divulge their steel specifications, 
>> except to state that they mix & match material thicknesses as needed by 
>> model and size.
>> But no matter the details, butted tubes come in 0.9/0.6/0.9 mm wall 
>> thickness and similar, with 1.0/0.8 considered stout.
>> Let's assume there's a reason for the "butting." It's really a "thinning" 
>> of the middle portion of the tube, as straight gauge tubing tends to be of 
>> the 1.0 mm variety all the way through.
>> From a quick internet search, it appears that seat tubes are generally 
>> single butted, with the thin part pointing up... meaning we're leaving 0.6 
>> mm wall thickness at the seat post, assuming we started with 0.8 mm... 
>> Rivendell states they use air-hardened tubing, which can go as thin as 0.5 
>> mm wall thickness. 
>> I'd have to hear it from a frame builder that they think it's OK. I don't 
>> believe it. 
>> cheers -mathias
>> On Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 8:17:01 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> A few days ago Leah said: " Bill Lindsay - I would trust you to do it! 
>>> And I would drive to your part of Michigan if you had the tool to make it 
>>> happen! No pressure or anything. 😬"
>>> I spend one week every month in Michigan but I live in a hotel room.  I 
>>> do not typically carry an adjustable seat tube reamer in my carry on 
>>> luggage.  :)  I also do not own an adjustable seat tube reamer, even though 
>>> I am plenty comfortable and experienced with its use*.  If I needed that 
>>> service performed, I'd pay one of the local old timers, who I know have the 
>>> tool and know how to use it.  
>>> *While I'm experienced with its use, I do not recall ever deliberately 
>>> reaming out a 26.8mm seat tube to 27.2.  It's always been in the initial 
>>> frame prep step, or a repair step.  I don't doubt that it can be done.  I 
>>> just don't have a good feel for how long it should take.  Like if it's a 2 
>>> hour job, and a tradesperson quoted you $160 for two hours of (strenuous) 
>>> labor, would you want to do it?  
>>> Bill Lindsay
>>> El Cerrito, CA
>>> On Sunday, October 15, 2023 at 5:02:54 AM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>>> wrote:
>>>> John, 
>>>> My seatpost actually has setback to 50. I have my saddle at 42 or 43. 
>>>> Now that I have these new grips, I could try the old seat post. The new 
>>>> grips sit further up the bars and I have more reach now. The feeling of 
>>>> being cramped was fairly slight, and I could often ignore it, but it was 
>>>> one of those little niggling details I wanted improved. Some people would 
>>>> have chopped their Billie Bars - not me! I need allllll that real estate 
>>>> so 
>>>> keep 1000 things on my bars!
>>>> Eric, I know. I have had this exact thought. Bill Lindsay - I would 
>>>> trust you to do it! And I would drive to your part of Michigan if you had 
>>>> the tool to make it happen! No pressure or anything. 😬
>>>> Joseph! Oh why bother getting it in silver? Such a magnificent seat 
>>>> post deserves to be a focal point: I should just go with the black. 🙃
>>>> Joyce, there’s a woman in product design over at 1 Up, I see! I love my 
>>>> RivSisters; they don’t want me to miss out on any of the best stuff.
>>>> Leah
>>>> On Oct 14, 2023, at 4:48 PM, 'John Hawrylak, Woodstown NJ' via RBW 
>>>> Owners Bunch <rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>>> A Nitto S84 has at least 10mm LESS setback than the IRD Wayback 
>>>> (approx 40mm (S84) vs 50mm (IRD) per RBW site).   Leah pics shows the IRD 
>>>> to be full back.   So even if she could use a 27.2 post, the S84 does not 
>>>> have the setback she needs.
>>>> The real question is why didn't  RBW design the frame for a 27.2mm seat 
>>>> post????    Are they using a straight gauge seat tube vs a butted seat 
>>>> tube 
>>>> to save cost???  Or do they need a thicker wall for the lug in the middle 
>>>> of the seat tube??
>>>> John Hawrylak
>>>> Woodstown NJ
>>>> On Saturday, October 14, 2023 at 7:28:07 AM UTC-4 ascpgh wrote:
>>>>> The difficulty of less than common seat tube diameters was the 
>>>>> indirect subject of another lister's, touched upon a bit ago from a 
>>>>> different perspective: 
>>>>> https://groups.google.com/g/rbw-owners-bunch/c/ooTGF-OdSws/m/9T6WazuQAAAJ
>>>>> Every bike is different but if feasible on your Platy, it can be done 
>>>>> to permit something as nice as the Nitto S84 
>>>>> <https://www.rivbike.com/products/nitto-lugged-seat-post-27-2-x-250-11048>
>>>>> .
>>>>> Love Deb's "pre stock" grips for your Ergons. She's the best. 
>>>>> Andy Cheatham
>>>>> Pittsburgh
>>>>> On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 7:36:47 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding 
>>>>> Ding! wrote:
>>>>>> I’ve had enough experiences with bike shops to be very hesitant to 
>>>>>> hand them my bike for a task that could ruin the frame. What happens if 
>>>>>> the 
>>>>>> hole is reamed too large? I can’t see that the frame would be 
>>>>>> salvageable. 
>>>>>> On Oct 12, 2023, at 9:10 AM, Johnny Alien <johnny....@gmail.com> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Many here have said that its not a big deal to get a bike shop to 
>>>>>> ream it to 27.2 to allow for more seatpost options. I find it 
>>>>>> frustrating 
>>>>>> as well but slightly less so because I don't need the extra setback. 
>>>>>> On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 7:39:10 AM UTC-4 brok...@gmail.com 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Yeah, the whole 26.8 seat tube limitation has got to be one of the 
>>>>>>> most frustrating things about this era of Rivendell. 
>>>>>>> On Oct 12, 2023, at 6:43 AM, Leah Peterson <jonasa...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ryan,
>>>>>>> That seat post is butt ugly. The only ugly thing on the bike. I like 
>>>>>>> the setback it offers, and there are zero other options for that. Zero. 
>>>>>>> This bike is unimprovable, save this one thing: the seat tube should 
>>>>>>> have 
>>>>>>> been 27.2 so I would have some OPTIONS. It’s my one sorrow.
>>>>>>> Leah
>>>>>>> On Oct 11, 2023, at 10:54 PM, Ryan <ryte...@mts.net> wrote:
>>>>>>> the grips are smashing.but nitto needs to make a 26.8 lugged 
>>>>>>> seatpost
>>>>>>> for that lovely bike.just saying
>>>>>>> On Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 8:57:32 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle 
>>>>>>> Ding Ding! wrote:
>>>>>>>> Raspberry Platypus BEFORE:
>>>>>>>> [image: image0.jpeg]
>>>>>>>> [image: image6.jpeg]
>>>>>>>> AND After…
>>>>>>>> [image: image1.jpeg]
>>>>>>>> [image: image2.jpeg][image: image3.jpeg][image: image4.jpeg][image: 
>>>>>>>> image5.jpeg]
>>>>>>>> On Oct 11, 2023, at 9:53 PM, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>>>>>>>> jonasa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> In the same vein as my Bike Style thread, I’m starting a Bike 
>>>>>>>> Makeover thread.
>>>>>>>> Every now and then, I get the urge to change up the look of my 
>>>>>>>> favorite Platypus. I have it perfect mechanically, but bags and grips 
>>>>>>>> and 
>>>>>>>> occasionally, saddles, beg to be changed up. It’s fully autumn here in 
>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>> Great Lakes State, and my ivory Rivet was looking a little out of 
>>>>>>>> season. I 
>>>>>>>> was gifted a chestnut Rivet from a dear RivSister, so I decided to 
>>>>>>>> pull it 
>>>>>>>> out and put it on the bike. I took the brown Ergons from my other 
>>>>>>>> Platypus, 
>>>>>>>> slapped them on and sent her a photo. 
>>>>>>>> “That bike deserves prettier grips. Those are ugly,” she said, 
>>>>>>>> giving me the unvarnished truth. 
>>>>>>>> I looked again. She was right. Back to the drawing board. I finally 
>>>>>>>> found these grips from Rivet Cycle Works - Deb told me she had these 
>>>>>>>> but 
>>>>>>>> didn’t have them up on the website yet. She had the exact match to my 
>>>>>>>> chestnut saddle and days later, I had these gorgeous stamped leather 
>>>>>>>> grips 
>>>>>>>> in hand. The bike looks positively *tonal.* The colors of the 
>>>>>>>> paint throw out so many different shades of pinks and reds, thanks to 
>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>> abundant glitter in the metallic; adding rich leather accessories only 
>>>>>>>> elevates the look. The stamped designs on the leather give the bike 
>>>>>>>> some 
>>>>>>>> texture and add visual interest at the handlebar area. 
>>>>>>>> This Platypus is like a little autumn posey. Perfect and pretty, 
>>>>>>>> and wholly appointed to its duty.
>>>>>>>> Now if I can just convince Deb to make these in ivory, so I have a 
>>>>>>>> pair to match my ivory Rivet saddle when spring comes…
>>>>>>>> Attached in the next post are the before and afters.
>>>>>>>> Leah
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