What is it about the Platypus that relegates the Clem to not quite good 
enough? I ask in jest. I'm loving my Clem and if I bought a Platy it would 
have to be Clem plus one. I hope you find one in trade Justin but like Leah 
said it seems folks don't move on from a Platypus often.

On Monday, July 31, 2023 at 5:40:49 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:

> I love my blue Clem but dark green and orange sounds sooo nice.
> On Monday, July 31, 2023 at 4:19:31 PM UTC-4 Justin Kennedy wrote:
>> Yep and apparently they're doing completes, too? I'm not entirely sure 
>> this is correct but I think James told me a few weeks ago that they're 
>> coming in Sergio Green. 
>> [image: Capture.PNG]
>> On Monday, July 31, 2023 at 4:03:58 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>> wrote:
>>> Are they coming in Sergio Green? I had heard silver and Ana Purple but 
>>> that was many months ago. They maybe changed it. Do you know what the 
>>> second color will be?
>>> Good luck with your search. I love a Platy above all else. I bet you 
>>> don’t sell it, even in 2 years when you get the itch to try something new. 
>>> ☺️
>>> On Monday, July 31, 2023 at 3:23:46 PM UTC-4 Justin Kennedy wrote:
>>>> Thanks Leah. I saw that, but was hoping to get one at a used price or 
>>>> to trade. Otherwise, I may hold out until the Sergio Green plattys are 
>>>> released (September according to the most recent calendar?) 
>>>> Like I said, I love my Clem but yes, I miss the Cheviot and am itching 
>>>> for something a little different. I rode Will's platypus when I was there 
>>>> last summer and really dug it. Seems like every two years I need to change 
>>>> it up ;-)
>>>> On Monday, July 31, 2023 at 2:25:12 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Justin, it says C&L has one in Canada. I’ve bought from them before, 
>>>>> they are the loveliest people. 
>>>>> [image: rivendell-platypus-pride-o-the-cosmos-t-shirt.jpg]
>>>>> Cadre Rivendell Platypus Step-Through Countrybike Frame 
>>>>> <https://www.clcycle.ca/en/cadre-rivendell-platypus-step-through-countrybike.html?id=63304938&quantity=1>
>>>>> clcycle.ca 
>>>>> <https://www.clcycle.ca/en/cadre-rivendell-platypus-step-through-countrybike.html?id=63304938&quantity=1>
>>>>> <https://www.clcycle.ca/en/cadre-rivendell-platypus-step-through-countrybike.html?id=63304938&quantity=1>
>>>>> Leah 
>>>>> On Jul 31, 2023, at 2:18 PM, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>>>>> jonasa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I’ll do some digging and see if I can find you one, Justin. But I’m 
>>>>> so curious - I know you loved that Clem and you used to have a Cheviot. 
>>>>> Are 
>>>>> you missing your old Chev? I have both bikes and I find the Platypus far 
>>>>> superior to my Clem so I get it. I’ll get to looking…
>>>>> Leah
>>>>> On Monday, July 31, 2023 at 9:37:27 AM UTC-4 Justin Kennedy wrote:
>>>>>> Just throwing this out there in case anyone has a 60cm Platty 
>>>>>> frameset they're looking to unload or would be up for trading for my 64 
>>>>>> Clem (in Lime Olive). Would pay $$ differential, of course. I love the 
>>>>>> Clem 
>>>>>> but got an itch for something a little different. 
>>>>>> Let me know if you'd be interested in discussing, etc. Thanks!
>>>>>> -- 
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