I think we all have bikes that we regret letting go of. I had a custom 
Gunnar Sport. They called it made to measure so it wasn't 100% custom but 
it was fit to me where it counts. This was a beautiful tig welded steel 
frame with an Enve fork. It accepted 32s and rode like a dream. I ended up 
having a stuck seatpost on this bike and the frame ultimately was ruined 
when I had a friend take it to a machine shop in attempt to extract the 
post. This is a bike I wish I still had. If you can find one out there I 
would second the recommendation if a Gunnar suits you. 

On Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 6:26:16 PM UTC-4 Michael Hammer wrote:

> I was going to hold back adding to this thread but now can't resist.  I 
> was the original owner of a 92 RB-1 and sent it off to a new owner about 4 
> months ago.  It was light, "jumped" when I got on it (consider I'm 74 when 
> reading jump), climbed like crazy and handled smoothly and predictably.  
> Largest tire it would take was a 28.  I got a Roadini from the last batch 
> in order to get wider tires and built it up with the cockpit, drive train 
> and wheels (now with 38 Gravelking slicks) from the RB-1.  It is smooth, 
> agile and handles exactly like a Grant bike.  It feels noticeably heavier 
> than the RB-1 when lifting it, doesn't feel heavy on the move but doesn't 
> climb as well.  On a curvy, small rises, downhill switchbacks bike trail 
> for 10 - 15 miles any difference in time is lost in the wind conditions.  I 
> had a very early Waterford All Rounder that always felt slow compared to 
> the RB-1; the Roadini doesn't.  Then a friend made a permanent loan of a 
> Gunnar Crosshairs cross bike with a comparable build to the Roadini.  Aside 
> from the quick handling and high bottom bracket geometry, the frame is 
> great; snappy and climbs and fits 38s.  This is my first and only 
> experience with a cross bike.  I second the suggestion above to consider a 
> Gunnar road sport or Waterford.  If a Gunnar road bike had similar comfort, 
> handling and tire size to the Roadini I'd take it in a heartbeat.  But, it 
> is at least 50% more expensive than the Roadini and Gunnar/Waterford are 
> shutting down.  My wife has a Black Mountain Road v2 which is a really nice 
> bike and fits 32s and maybe 33.3s according to Mike Varley.  But, he 
> doesn't make them anymore.  My wife's is too small to really ride, but felt 
> great and RB-1 like doing loops on the driveway.  And, about as light when 
> lifting into the van.  Good luck.
> On Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 2:55:06 PM UTC-7 pi...@gmail.com wrote:
>> The Saluki/Bleriot were 650B bikes, not 700c bikes. Wheel size makes a 
>> world of difference to me.
>> On Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 2:51 PM J S <jrst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I have a question regarding the Roadini vs. the old Saluki and Bleriot 
>>> bikes. I wonder how similar it is to these? I have a Sam and found a Saluki 
>>> in my size so sold my Bleriot. I am not a fan of the loooong chainstays, so 
>>> the Sam works perfectly for someone like me. I have fat 48mm tires on it 
>>> and 42’s on the Saluki. Speed is a non issue or will be when my knees let 
>>> me ride again. As I get older a go fast bike would be at the bottom of my 
>>> list, but I did love my old go fast bikes when I was much younger. 
>>> On Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at 9:14:40 PM UTC-4 brenton...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I have really fallen for these luscious new Roadini builds I've seen at 
>>>> Riv and Blue Lug.
>>>> I have a Sam Hillborne and love it. It's been through several 
>>>> iterations of cockpit/racks/bags/brakes/wheels/tires and all have been 
>>>> really fun. Right now it has flat bars with sweep, chunky 47mm tires, and 
>>>> is an excellent all around adventure/trail/camping ride. It's currently my 
>>>> only bike!
>>>> Before the Sam, I rode 90s road bikes exclusively for 20 years, and 
>>>> those worked great for city/commuting/neighborhood/pub rides. I've heard 
>>>> that the Roadini does NOT offer that kind of 
>>>> ride/speed/feel/handling/gusto/whatever, from several folks in this group.
>>>> So am I fooling myself into thinking another $2500 Riv build is going 
>>>> to scratch the itch? Or should I buy a <$500 Japanese Road Bike that can 
>>>> hold 33s and actually feel some performance?
>>> -- 
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