Someone messaged me today on Reddit and through Craigslist to say they saw my bike hanging off a small tent with other things at the non-paid area of Laney flea market. He said they were asking $600 for it. I went there shortly after and I could not find it though it is entirely possible this person asking about it might have spooked them, and it was stored or covered after. Also yesterday someone spotted my Soma Groove at 12th St Oakland BART station. I’m less concerned about that bike, though I will probably return to the flea market with some frequency to see if it’s there. I think it’ll be hard to fence / get rid of.
-- Sent from a tiny device On Jun 25, 2023, at 11:56 AM, Adrianna T <> wrote:
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- [RBW] Fwd: [SFRandon] OT - recovered Ri... 'Eric Norris' via RBW Owners Bunch
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- [RBW] Re: [SFRandon] OT - reco... Adrianna T
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