Hell, I use JB Greens on my *touring* bike. If I had a Rodeo (and who knows?
One day ....) I'd look for the fastest, lightest, most supple racing tire I
could find regardless of cost and put those on. Didn't Jan find that some
light, racing 23s were the fastest rollers?

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Anne Paulson <anne.paul...@gmail.com>wrote:

> When I got my Roadeo, it had Jack Browns on it. I thought, hmm, this
> is a gofast bike, I'll mount 28mm tires instead. So I bought some Roly
> Polys. I just took off the Jack Browns (used maybe 100 miles) and was
> about to put on the Roly Polys, but I thought I'd weigh the two tires
> first. The Jack Brown I weighed was 4 and 5.5 grams heavier than the
> two Roly Polys.
> Wait just one gol durned minute! Why am I changing tires to save four
> or five grams? The tubes won't save any weight, 'cause they're the
> same tubes. Is the rolling resistance any different? Should I just put
> the Jack Browns back on?
> --
Patrick Moore
Albuquerque, NM
For professional resumes, contact
Patrick Moore, ACRW at resumespecialt...@gmail.com
(505) 227-0523

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