Also depends on what handlebars you're planning to use. Drop bars - go for 
the smaller frame. Upright bars - go for the bigger frame. There's nothing 
about the AHH that would preclude bikepacking or bicycle touring! I would 
happily ride my Roadini on a tour and I now treat it like a 1990s mountain 
bike since I've got 38mm tires on it.

On Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 3:12:24 PM UTC-7 wrote:

> I'd follow Riv's sizing guidelines, bearing in mind that they plan for a 
> decent amount of crotch clearance. So if you're on the edge and would 
> prefer a taller head tube, size up, and if you're wanting a shorter reach, 
> size down. I think a lot of this depends on what kind of handlebar you're 
> planning on and your desired riding position. 
> On Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 10:11:06 AM UTC-4 Stephanie A. wrote:
>> Hi everyone! As I continue (spending probably way too much money and 
>> time) altering my pandemic bike (which looks splendid but is probably a 
>> size too small and, gasp, aluminum), I've been scoping out which Riv I 
>> might buy in the future. I'm between an AHH and a Platy, heavily leaning 
>> toward the AHH to have a zippier feeling bike and a diamond frame. As much 
>> as I love seeing people touring and bike packing, I'm not sure that I'll 
>> ever do more than commute, lug sometimes heavy CSA shares or work stuff, 
>> and ride on pavement or packed dirt. The AHH seems to give me the 
>> flexibility to go at least a little beyond that if I want to.
>> What I'm most unsure of is sizing. My PBH is right on the line at around 
>> 80cm. I want to avoid buying an expensive non-returnable new or used bike 
>> and feeling like I should have gotten a different size--or different model.
>> To that end, does anyone in the Boston area have an AHH in 47.5 or 51 
>> that they'd be willing to let me stand over in the Common?
>> Many thanks,
>> Stephanie, who is really hoping that the more common size of 51 will fit 
>> so that her chances of eventually getting a gold AHH are moderately higher 
>> than if only the 47.5 fits

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