Simon is the guy. I believe that's where Riv sends their saddles for 
repair, or at least they've shouted him out a couple times in the 
Blug/Blahg. One of his 2 shops is my LBS- it's in the same building that I 
have a pottery studio. One time I wheeled my bike into his shop for some 
reason and he noticed I was missing a rivet in my Selle Anatomica (how the 
heck did it just pop out??) and he hammered one in right then.

Erik, Philly

On Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 8:20:48 PM UTC-4 dougP wrote:

> After years of good service, my Brooks B17 blew out the leather at the 
> nose. Is there a North American source for repair? Any idea what this costs?
> Doug Peterson

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