Joel, MichaelH, Ryan & all:

Thanks for the replies & compliments!

Joel: I actually had the Cyclofiend DT shifter t-shirt in the back of
my mind when I was deciding on the shifters.  I guess I can safely
join the club now :)

> Pretty cool to see photos from a bike shop with 3 count 'em 3 Rivs on the 
> floor.

It's an unusually great bike shop.  After I put my camera away the
Atlantis left and Ro rolled in on his Kustard Kogswell P/R to join the
two Rivendells.  (Everyone knows Ro, right??)

Ryan: that *is* Aaron's in West Seattle.  I live right up the street
(Oregon & California) and they've been my shop since I've been back in
Seattle (6 or 7 years now).  I'd known about Bridgestone (still have
my bought-new 1991 MB-1) but Aaron's shop helped hip me to Rivendell
after not paying attention to bikes for several years.  So they are
sort of integral to my Rivendell experience.  Aaron's is very focused
on practical cycling, plus it's a fun place to hang out.

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 09:31, MichaelH <> wrote:
> Gorgeous.  Don't forget to send some photos to the cyclofiend
> collection.

I will definitely submit photos to the Cyclofiend gallery.  I've
trawled the galleries looking for ideas myself, so I'd be honored to
have my ride alongside all the great stuff in there, for sure.  I have
to get some nicer pictures first though... if only we could get some
sustained sun in Seattle.

Happy riding to all,

Stuart Fletcher
Seattle, WA

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