I can assure you that water pools in the valley between your arms when
riding hoods on drop bars. I rode many miles watching the pretty color
swirls from the oils (petrochemical?) leaching from the material in the
puddle between my forearms, and emptying the puddle (during heavy rain)
every few hundred yards. This happens more with heavy ponchos like the
Duxback that don't flutter quite as much as lighter ones.
On Thu, Mar 9, 2023 at 9:36 AM reca...@gmail.com <recar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've used the waxed canvas Carradice poncho for a little while now. It
> works great ... The only other thing that keeps me from recommending it to
> everyone is that if you ride upright bars like any of the Riv variants, the
> water will pool between the bars. Not a big deal but it happens as these
> seem to be designed more for drop bars?

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