What a collection!  All look very clean too.  Acknowledging the keen eyes 
here, it's too bad someone is not on hand to help the seller offer accurate 
information about each bike. (Is everyone looking at flights to Saint 

On Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 7:41:20 AM UTC-5 Frank Brose wrote:

> Good point. I didn't even think about the All Rounder. I actually tried to 
> get Joe Starck to build me a bicycle after he had quite the business. He 
> refused to pick the torch back up and was adamant about never building 
> again. There is not a bike in that whole lot I wouldn't like to own.
> Frank 
> On Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 6:20:33 AM UTC-6 iamkeith wrote:
>> On Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 4:55:01 AM UTC-7 Frank Brose wrote:
>> Buy the Goodrich if it fits and can handle the tires you want to run. 
>> They are rare and built by a true craftsman. The quality of Curt's builds 
>> are second to none and most custom builders would attest to that and they 
>> have a ride to match. I know because I had Curt build me a 650b bike that 
>> would fit 42's back when the 650b's were just starting to become popular. 
>> I've had at least 6 different Riv's. All fine bikes but not as fine as a 
>> Goodrich. You won't be disappointed and if you are you'll certainly be able 
>> to find someone to take it off your hands. 
>> As a point of fact, the All Rounder might very well have been made by 
>> Curt Goodrich.  If not him, then Joe Starck or, maybe Richard Sachs.  If 
>> the builder is an important consideration to you (and I'd agree it might as 
>> well be), then you won't go wrong with that one. 
>> The Ram is one of the earlier ones - probably orange prior to the 
>> re-paint (and brake mod?).  It and both of the Homers (or Homer and 
>> re-painted Saluki) are Toyo built.  Also very high quality.  (The lugs are 
>> the giveaway)
>> On Monday, January 23, 2023 at 11:42:52 AM UTC-6 mmille...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>> Hey all. A local STL fellow just posted some bikes 
>> <https://www.facebook.com/groups/591659724221291/permalink/5766806640039881/>
>> for sale locally. I just talked with him and am going to go look at them. 
>> There are a couple frames I'm not familiar with. Since this is where all 
>> the experts are, is there anything I should be looking for? I assume the 
>> grey AHH and the brown Ram are custom paint jobs. Is the orange one likely 
>> custom or an early Riv? And thoughts on the Goodrich? They all look to be 
>> fairly similar builds, and I'm wondering if nothing differentiates when I 
>> ride them, if I should consider anything else before buying (assuming the 
>> boss OKs it. Ha). I do see the brakes are different on the AHH models. 
>> Thanks, everyone.

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