You are assuming that all anodized parts are available without anodizing, 
which it not true for all parts. 

Note that most colored anodizing is temporary also, the anodizing fades 
over time. Easy and cheap to restore polished parts, anodized parts - not 
so much.

Black parts show wear and scratches much more than silver.

Even the best silver/clear anodizing wears off. I have a well used 50 year 
old Campagnolo triple crank that has lost its anodizing in many locations, 
I am sure glad that it isn't black, it would look awful.

I would not consider polished aluminum parts high maintenance, many go for 
years before needing a quick rub with Simichrome and then they are like new.

You want a high maintenance finish - I have a set of brass Honjo fenders 
for you. One end of the fender tarnishes as you are polishing the other end.


On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 1:43:14 PM UTC-5 Philip Williamson wrote:

> I’m with Garth - if you’ve got anodized parts you’d like to make silver… 
> arrange a trade!
> Philip
> On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 7:29:05 AM UTC-8 Garth wrote:
>> While I don't have any Paul brakes, over Life I've had plenty of aluminum 
>> parts that were of a natural, untreated finish. You can polish them all you 
>> like, but it doesn't last every long until they require more polishing. The 
>> polishing is an attempt to seal the exterior, to create a "buffer" from the 
>> elements, so to speak. It's high maintenance for sure as it's only 
>> temporary.  The durable hard anodizing manufacturers use is a chemical 
>> process and as long they're not exposed to excessive corrosive elements the 
>> finish remains indefinitely. Once that finish is removed, there's no going 
>> back, they are back to their natural untreated state. A sure way to tell 
>> the finish of any aluminum part is to rub it with a clean rag or even your 
>> hands as it will leave that telltale gray residue. 
>> As far as I'm concerned if a part is finished black, or anodized a dull 
>> silver, I leave it alone, or don't buy it in the first place if I can't 
>> live it as purchased. There can be a few exceptions, notably if it's 
>> something tiny. Surely though, I see black and silver parts as 
>> complimentary rather than conflicting. 
>> On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 6:41:43 PM UTC-5 brendonoid wrote:
>>> *"The other set of cantis are on a new build I just finished."*
>>> Whoa, hold up! What a teaser, I can't wait.

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