Definitely proto-Riv...somewhere around Ted Durant and Mr. Moore ...1993 
X0-1 that I still have, 1997 A/R and 2001 LongLow influenced Curt Goodrich 
Road...but veering into swoopy with 2016 custom mixte which I ordered with 
less ornate lugs than the Glorius and Wilbury models.

I get why Riv moved to TIG-welding for Clems and Roadinis ...but my heart 
is firmly attached to lugs, although...if I was more of a utility cyclist , 
I'd definitely consider one of the Clems. But, shopping is within walking 
distance so a Clem is not really required. I do applaud Grant's move to 
keep the durability and good design hallmarks of Rivendell while making 
them  more affordable, however. 

 Before I retired my 73/74 single-speed Peugeot PX-10 or my X0-1 were my 
daily to speak to the other "precious" thread my  Rivs are 
not the bikes I'd lock up downtown or ride in winter with all the sleet and 
slush. Maybe in a perfect world with no winter, but I can't bring myself to 
do it in this one.

On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 9:54:36 AM UTC-6 wrote:

> I have no idea Sam Hillbornes ever came with sidepull brakes! Thought it 
> looks like the fork still had canti braze-ons. What was the max tire 
> clearance on that?
> On Sun, Nov 13, 2022 at 7:29 AM Marc Irwin <> wrote:
>> By these standards I am a 2TTR.  I have a Hunq from the first Waterford 
>> run, but the 54'd didn't require 2 top tubes so it only has one.  A year 
>> after riding it, I HAD  to have the lighter, faster version so I 
>> pre-ordered a Hillborne.  The 56 Sam's fit me, so it was supposed to have 2 
>> top tubes, but the factory goofed on 3 and since I had pre-ordered, Riv let 
>> me choose.  I took the single TT because I already had the Hunq for all the 
>> rough tumbling about.  So, I'm a 2TTR with single top tubes.
>> Marc
>> [image: IMG_2118.JPG]
>> [image: Blued Sam.jpg]
>> On Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at 7:55:34 PM UTC-4 Philip Williamson 
>> wrote:
>>> Recent discussions make me wonder, what epoch of Rivendell bikes or 
>>> aesthetic most appeals to list members? 
>>> Which era do you identify with the most, or like the best? 
>>> Is it the era you first encountered Riv in, or did you look back through 
>>> the back catalog and say, "That's the one for me?" Or did you arrive early, 
>>> travel into the future with Rivendell and love best what's happening now? 
>>>    - Are you a "*Proto-Riv*" aficionado of Longlows, Allrounders, and 
>>>    Herons? 
>>>    - A "*Golden Ager*?" Are Herons, Rambouillets, and Salukis your 
>>>    favorites? 
>>>    - Or are you a "*2TTer,*" a Bombadil, Hunq, and Sam Hillborner?
>>>    - A "*Clemster*" and a Rosco? 
>>>    - Have you become a "*New Atlantean*?" A Swoop-a-tuber, Hill-biker, 
>>>    and a Gus Bootster? 
>>> Are these fixed preferences, or have you been most into a different era 
>>> before? Do you have shadings of more than one?  I first encountered Riv in 
>>> the Proto era, looking at the All Rounder. Overall I'm a Golden Ager, but 
>>> the New Atlantean age is looking pretty attractive. 
>>> Philip 
>>> Santa Rosa, CA 
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