What Pam is not telling you is that I would have to figure out how to do it from her 2007 Apple iPod, with its geriatric operating system, lol! I did do a mini Instagram takeover of her account but gave up fairly soon because it was 1 am and also because it was WORK to post from that device! Pam, I know it might kill you to get an iPhone, but I think it might be time. 

Glad your last night went well; next year just get a room with me and we can do all the IG takeovers and stay up too late and always have a riding partner to get to our room.

On Oct 31, 2022, at 1:08 PM, Pam Bikes <pamlikestob...@gmail.com> wrote:

I have pictures but Leah will need to tell me how to post them.  And I'm at the airport.  Somehow I slept ok b/c I was so tired from the prior days.  So much fun!  

On Monday, October 31, 2022 at 12:25:02 PM UTC-4 Roberta wrote:
(Do not read until you watch the scandalous video Leah posted above.)

Scandalous? Perhaps.  Or not.

 I asked Will and he cannot get the seat high enough, so biking on those “sucks the fun out of biking” city bikes hurt his knees with the saddle too low, and one of those bikes in the video helps. James and Vince needed to keep up. 

On Monday, October 31, 2022 at 10:26:12 AM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
Scandalous video of the Rivendell staff:

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