You already know what my opinion will be but I love to hear the sound of my 
own voice so I'll say it anyway! 🙃

I think your new plan is the way and the basket on the back looks fine. I 
wouldn't worry about overloading the basket/bags..Platys aren't built for 
full-on touring loads but you've got a lot of triangulation back there with 
the mid-stays, I think you'll be fine. Just try to remember when you're e 
in the store that you brought the bike, not a van! 🤣

On Saturday, October 8, 2022 at 4:39:08 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> Piaw has a point. It could come to that! (A trailer.) I went out and did a 
> mock-up of how my bike would look with a rear basket. Not as nice, but 
> there would be no wheel flop and I’d lose the weight of that heavy rack…
> Sent from my iPhone[image: image0.jpeg]
> On Oct 8, 2022, at 7:18 PM, Piaw Na <> wrote:
> I think the "weight doesn't matter" statement only applies to say, the 3 
> pound difference between my Roadini and my custom Ti touring bike. Nobody 
> would say that when comparing my Roadini and my triplet (65 pounds empty, 
> 320+ pounds loaded with myself, 2 kids, a 2 panniers for a 3 week tour). 
> Having said that, even on the triplet I shave every ounce I can because it 
> matters when you're at your limit and you're climbing a mountain in 100F. 
> If I were Leah, I would get a trailer that I could easily mount/remove for 
> when I needed to carry a lot of stuff. I have had a Yakima single-wheeled 
> trailer for 20+ years (out of production now but a similar one can be found 
> here: 
> It easily detaches so when you have no load your bike rides like a normal 
> bike (no wheel flop, etc), and then when you attach it you get a trailer! 
> Even better, with the trailer there are ways of maneuvering it so that the 
> trailer acts as a kickstand.
> On Saturday, October 8, 2022 at 12:37:28 PM UTC-7 Joe Bernard wrote:
>> And now..a rant: 
>> This topic brings up a rather glaring fallacy with the "weight doesn't 
>> matter" ethos, you have to lift the darn thing sometimes. Every time I see 
>> someone toss a 17 lbs. road bike up on a roof rack like a feather I sigh a 
>> little. I love fully loaded steel bikes for the stuff they can do, but they 
>> can be a struggle to live with if you have to get them off the ground 
>> regularly. 
>> Joe "oh good..stairs" Bernard 
>> On Saturday, October 8, 2022 at 11:35:41 AM UTC-7 Robert Tilley wrote:
>>> I have that rack on my Hubbuhubbuh tandem. The rest of the bike is heavy 
>>> enough that I don’t even notice the rack weight. I like the functionality 
>>> of the rack so the weight doesn’t bother me much.
>>> Robert Tilley
>>> San Diego, CA
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Oct 7, 2022, at 2:00 PM, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>>>> wrote:
>>> Hi friends, 
>>> Can we just talk about the Nitto Basket Rack for one sec? 
>>> I was so excited when this was made and I got one soon after. I have it 
>>> on my Overkill Shopping Platypus, and I like the way it looks and its 
>>> utility but it is SO HEAVY. Noticeably heavy. Like, when I lift the 
>>> unloaded bike onto my van bike rack I struggle - and I’m no wimp. This 
>>> Platy outweighs my rear-racked and Backabike’d Clem, and I think the Basket 
>>> Rack is mostly to blame. 
>>> I’m toying with the idea of removing it, but then I’d have to get a new 
>>> setup for my dyno headlight, so I hesitate. 
>>> I don’t think I’ve heard anyone else complain about the weight of the 
>>> Basket Rack; I feel like I’m the only one, which makes me suspect I’m 
>>> wrong. Before I do anything drastic, I just wanted to see if this has been 
>>> anyone else’s experience. Is the Basket Rack a beast? Has anyone else tried 
>>> it and disliked it? 
>>> I know there’s a whole discussion out there about carrying weight on the 
>>> front. I guess I’ve never had a real issue with it, aside from not liking 
>>> that the bars swing around when parked. I’m not really talking about THAT; 
>>> I’m wondering if anyone else finds this Nitto rack unnecessarily heavy. Not 
>>> that I’m going for lightweight, here. I mean, look at these pics.
>>> Leah
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