Just a few years ago I would probably have been bidding, but my
'level' has dropped significantly.  If I found one at a yard sale or
the like I would sure buy it, but I am no longer looking for any older


On May 13, 3:45 pm, Murray Love <murray.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Tim McNamara <tim...@bitstream.net> wrote:
> > I bought my wife a 55 cm 1993 XO-1 from the Bridgestone Owner's Bunch sale
> > in (IIRC) 1994 when B-stone was closing up shop in the US.  It was an
> > engagement/wedding present.  She loved the bike and rode it lots.
> >  Unfortunately it met its demise at her office one day.  It was locked up in
> > front of the building when a lady apparently confused the brake and gas
> > pedal while parking (note it was a Toyota, so who knows).  The car surged
> > over the curb directly at the front windows of a beauty parlor on the first
> > floor, ran over the bike and the sign to which it was locked, was diverted
> > by this the accelerated down the sidewalk parallel to the building until it
> > struck a tree.  You could see where she continued to spin the wheels until
> > the car died.  No one was hurt but several people- the driver, the
> > beauticians and their customers were of course terrified.
> > The bike was destroyed.  Every tube was bent except the head tube.  The
> > wheels were mangled.  Almost nothing was salvageable.  The driver's
> > insurance company (State Farm) was a complete PITA to deal with (and lost
> > our auto and homeowner's insurance business as a result).  My wife was
> > distraught, not only for the bike itself but also its meaning.
> > Here's why I tell about the tragedy.  I replaced the bike with a Heron Road
> > with full Superbe, building it up over months at a friend's shop and
> > sneaking it into the house while we were out on Christmas Eve with the help
> > of neighbors.  She was shocked and delighted and, more than 10 years later,
> > rides the Heron lots.  But when I received the Heron frame from Rivendell
> > and examined it closely and compared the two frames, I realized something
> > about the XO-1.
> > It was crude.  The lugs were not attractive.  They were not filed or
> > thinned.  Tube mitering was not good.  The brazing was sloppy and incomplete
> > around the BB shell.  The paint was not well done.  The Heron was a *vastly*
> > better made frame.  My nostalgia for the XO-1 as a bike vanished (although
> > my nostalgia for what it meant- it was basically our engagement ring-
> > remains).
> > The XO-1 is an iconic bike.  It's a unique moment in bike history with
> > nothing really like it before or since from a major manufacturer.  But there
> > are better bikes to be had (and Rivendell has a lot of 'em).  For the price
> > these go for on eBay, I'd rather buy a better bike with that money.
> > So my level of nostalgia for the XO-1 as a bike is pretty low.  I'd pay
> > maybe $350 for one in near-mint condition.  Obviously I won't be winning any
> > auctions...
> Agreed 100%.  I had a 1993 XO-3 (lugged, Japan-made, same geometry as the
> XO-1 with slightly heavier triple-butted tubing).  Actually, I had two, and
> broke both in exactly the same way:  BB shell broke at the base of the
> seat-tube lug.
> I enjoyed the bike well enough for a while--it was my first attempt at an
> allroad bike, and I built it up from the frame with my own selection of
> components--but I've ridden much nicer production bikes since then, my 1984
> Sequoia foremost among them.  The XO-3 was very stiff and seemed to transmit
> even the smallest road vibrations directly into my body, even with 1.75"
> tires at 75psi (this was long before my eye-opening experience with 650B
> tires at 55psi).
> I also had a '92 RB-1, which I miss far more than the XO-3.  Even with 28mm
> tires at 95psi, it rode much smoother than the XO-3, and just had a springy
> want-to-go-FAST feel entirely lacking in the other bike.
> So, like Tim, I have very little nostalgia for the XOs, except as a
> praiseworthy attempt to do something completely different in production
> bikes.
> If any Bridgestone could tempt me these days, it would be the '92-'94 RB-T,
> which has very similar geometry to my Sequoia.  And no, I wouldn't go for
> the nostalgia build--it would be the normal mix of old and new stuff I have
> lying around:  TA or AT cranks, modern Shimano 9-speed drivetrain, Ergo
> brifters, BMX pedals, etc.
> Murray
> Victoria, BC
> --
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