Wanted to say a quick thank you for all of these really helpful replies. 
Being my first post, it didn't appear for several days and I sort of lost 
track of this thread. Next thing you know it's a month later and I found 
all of your great answers. Haven't bought a bag yet, but it will surely be 
one of the ones mentioned here. Delayed the purchase as I'm thinking of 
buying a new bike first :)

On Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 1:33:41 PM UTC-6 Drw wrote:

> Another vote for BagsXbird. I was a perennial saddlebag switcher for 
> years, but my small bxb bag hasn't left the bike since i got it. I also 
> bought a bigger one for overnights/touring. They are expensive but the 
> quality is phenomenal and he's really solved/added some cool and useful 
> details to the standard design. 
> On Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 5:58:11 AM UTC-7 lconley wrote:
>> I was unaware that there were Alps in Australia.
>> Laing
>> On Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 2:00:50 AM UTC-4 Nick Payne wrote:
>>> For a reasonable size saddlebag that needs no rack underneath, the BXB 
>>> bags are pretty nice, but also quite expensive They come provided with a 
>>> stiffener inside, a piece of dowel to prevent the sides of the bag coming 
>>> forward into contact with your legs, and also a nylon strap with hook that 
>>> attaches from top to bottom of the centre of the opening to prevent the 
>>> middle of the bag sagging onto the tyre when loaded. Here's the one I have:
>>> [image: IMG_20200726_180051.jpg]
>>> For greater capacity, I use a Carradice Camper Longflap hanging off a 
>>> Nitto R50 saddlebag grip and with a Nitto saddlebag rack underneath. That 
>>> holds enough for a several day long tour if I'm staying in hotels/motels. 
>>> Here it is loaded up for such a tour in the Australian Alps:
>>> [image: IMG_0102.JPG]
>>> Nick

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