Fantastic pictures as always John. Japan looks like a beautiful place. I 
can’t wait to see where your path takes you next!

On Saturday, July 23, 2022 at 7:08:33 PM UTC-4 John Rinker wrote:

> Thank you, Evan. 
> I lived and worked in Japan 2 short years. If I were to return, I'd 
> definitely try to get up to Hokkaido near the Shiretoku Park (northeastern 
> corner) because I was unable to get there during my time. I've heard many 
> times that to enjoy Hokkaido properly by bicycle you'd need a month, at 
> least, But, if someone who hadn't been to Japan were to get for a week of 
> cycling (and they were as enamoured with rivers and mountains as I am) 
> you'd want to head to Yakushima Island just south of Kagoshima. I rode 
> there twice, and somewhere in these threads is a trip report from each 
> time. A magical place, for sure!
> For every beautiful place I was fortunate enough to ride, there are at 
> least 10 more that I'd like to.
> Cheers,
> John
> On Saturday, July 23, 2022 at 12:16:07 PM UTC-7 Evan E. wrote:
>> Wow. Beautiful photos! John, how long were you in Japan? (Sorry if you 
>> already explained but I missed your explanation.) And if you were to return 
>> to Japan for, say, one week and you could take just one ride or one loop 
>> that you have taken before, which would it be? Shikoku proper? Or Shimanami 
>> Kaido? Or? 
>> Evan 

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