I must ride a lot slower than all's y'all's... but I've honestly never had 
any trouble with my brakes on my AHH. I use the original standard Shimano 
Lever  that shipped with it in aught-seven (probably discontinued) on a set 
of Noodle bars. They don't bottom out at full pressure and the wheel will 

- Jim

On Monday, July 11, 2022 at 3:41:01 PM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:

> Laing: Forgive me if you've posted some before, but if not, I'd be 
> delighted to see photos of your Riv custom "racing bike." 53.4 X 62?? What 
> sort of bar? Me, I fit almost the diametrical opposite: 60 X 56 c-c for a 
> drop-bar bike. 
> To all: I've found this discussion interesting, both regarding braking 
> effectiveness and road bike aesthetics. I have to say that I myself would 
> prefer cantis or V brakes, or braze-on centerpulls instead of what appear 
> to me clunky very-long reach calipers on a "gofast" road bike if medium 
> reach calipers didn't work; and in fact, I've seen a number of custom or 
> high-end production road bikes from before WWII built for cantilever 
> brakes. I think a great many of these were on the Classics Rendezvous and 
> Classic Lightweights UK websites.
> IME, I tend to agree with those who say that almost all brakes work 
> decently, if not brilliantly, if properly set up, and if the levers are 
> appropriate to the brakes proper. I know that my otherwise wonderful 
> second-gen (? The tab-operated cam) Dura Ace single pivots worked badly, 
> even with salmons, pulled by 7410-era levers, while the single pivot (high 
> end DC? Superbe Pro?) 57 mm reach single pivot on the gofast pulled by the 
> same levers works very well indeed, for power and for modulation.
> On Sun, Jul 10, 2022 at 10:34 AM lconley <lco...@brph.com> wrote:
>> Appearance was a large consideration when I selected the Rene 
>> Herse braze-on centerpull brakes for my Rivendell Custom that was intended 
>> as a road bike. I call it a fat man's racing bike. "Racing Bike" as in no 
>> braze-ons for racks, no fender eyelets, no holes in the "brake" or chain 
>> stay bridges, - clean stays and forks but a really long wheelbase. The long 
>> chainstays are balanced by the really long main triangle (62 cm ETT x 53.4 
>> ST). What I did not realize was how large the Rene Herse brakes are, they 
>> dwarf my Mafac Competition , DiaCompe, and Weinmann centerpulls. But they 
>> still have that fifties - sixties racing bike look. The centerpull 
>> braze-ons are located between the rim and the fork crown/brake bridge, so 
>> they are a stiffer mount that cantilevers/V-brakes whose braze-ons are 
>> located below the rim. Another plus for the RH centerpulls is no black or 
>> plastic parts like the long reach Tektros.
>> I have never actually seen another bike with braze-on centerpulls except 
>> in pictures - some in the book *Japanese Steel*. I have considered at 
>> times having Dia-Compe braze-ons installed on my Paramount for the original 
>> Weinmann centerpull brakes.
>> Laing
>> On Sunday, July 10, 2022 at 7:50:05 AM UTC-4 Daniel MacPherson wrote:
>>> I agree with the sentiment that road bikes look better with calipers on 
>>> them. Though I find the long-reach caliper brakes (Tektro R559) to be 
>>> rather ugly looking. Road bikes with disc brakes or v-brakes still look odd 
>>> to me. I assume they must be gravel or cyclocross bikes. Maybe Rivendell 
>>> should develop some kick-ass long reach caliper brakes. 
>>> Daniel M 
>>> Tallahassee Fl
>>> On Saturday, July 9, 2022 at 10:31:46 PM UTC-4 Joe Bernard wrote:
>>>> Part of the Riv association with long-reach calipers (my opinion) is 
>>>> Grant had them made back in the days when road bikes were closely 
>>>> associated with calipers and he wanted more room for big tires. We don't 
>>>> think anything of it now but at the time if your bike had canti posts it 
>>>> was a tourer or mtb, you couldn't sell it to folks looking for a road 
>>>> frame. 

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