 It looks like  you're getting hooked. It's a wonderful place to ride on 
many levels, the more time you spend out there the more you appreciate it.
- Frank

On Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 2:56:15 PM UTC-5 lconley wrote:

> I have been doing more riding on the levees in the last few weeks. Both 
> days this weekend. Yesterday was Turkey Vulture Day. They were all over the 
> levee, I think they were resting - very windy. There were a few today also 
> - today's were less skittish - they just walked aside as I approached, 
> didn't take off. Even saw one deer today. I also found a bench on the levee 
> today, still no shade, but at least a place to sit that wasn't in the dirt.
> The bike has gained more parts from the stash. Ergon GP-3 grips on Nitto 
> Wavie bars. Way more comfortable than the Rustines grips. The Nitto 
> Jitensha bars were too narrow at the ends to get the Ergon grips and brake 
> levers on. The 26.0 Dirt Drop stem was switched for a 25.4 Dirt Drop to 
> match the bars. Brooks saddlebag added also. Just a multi-tool in there 
> now, but need to dig up a spare tube, pump and tire iron as my distance 
> increases. The miles seem to go by a lot quicker for some reason on the 
> levees than on bike paths or the road. Not really riding much faster, 
> though, up from 7.1 mph to a blistering 7.8 mph.
> [image: EG3.jpg]
> Laing
> Delray Beach FL

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