Cheers Paul!  I have had the probably unrealistic goal of figuring out just 
that - to no avail, really, thus far.  For most models, there are subtle 
differences that can indicate the batch but not always. For Sams, the 
colour can be a pretty good indicator along with a few minor details like 
the seat lug - and whether it's canti or side pull brakes. Mine's from the 
2018/2019 batch  

On Thursday, 16 December 2021 at 07:38:41 UTC-8 Paul in Dallas wrote:

> Jason,
> I enjoyed reading of your Hillborne adventure.
> The great pics really helped on getting drawn into the the experience. 
> I also have an orange Hillborne which has caliper brakes.
> I wish you more great adventures on your Hillborne.
> Side question to any reading this.
> How do you determine the year of manufacture of Rivendell bikes?
> I think mine is from around 2019.
> Paul in Dallas
> .

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