Thanks Paul,

I did sneak a couple pics of the Sequoia into that pics folder and will try to add more.  But since it’s not a Riv I probably follow the rules and post to I-Bob.  Appreciate the support and suggestion,  



From: Paul Brodek
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2021 7:51 AM
To: RBW Owners Bunch
Subject: [RBW] Re: FS: Rambouillet frameset 64cm c-t


Beautiful frameset, congrats to the new owner. Definitely a keeper if she fits, etc.


None of my beeswax, since I'm sworn to fleet reduction for the forseeable future, but if I were Kevin and were serious about also wanting to sell my '83 Sequoia, I'd snap some pix and make that sucker visible. Time for a double-header?


Paul Brodek

Hillsdale, NJ USA


On Sunday, November 21, 2021 at 2:11:26 PM UTC-5 Kevin D norcal - santa rosa wrote:

update: this frame has a new owner - and heading off to the East Coast.  Long live the Rambouillet!

thanks to all comments and inquiries, happy trails, 


On Saturday, November 20, 2021 at 6:06:16 AM UTC-8 Matt Beecher wrote:

Beautiful. I'm fairly surprised that this is still available.  If only this were a 58, I'd be gearing it up for Spring with fenders, lights, etc.  


To the OP:  Good luck with the sale.  

To the next owner:  You better pounce on it soon.  


Best regards,

Matt in Oswego, IL

no relation to seller

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