Neat.  I am in the area, but have not ridden that trail yet.  I'll have to 
put it on my "to do" list.  Thanks for sharing?

What day did you do this?  Saturday/Sunday?

Best regards,
Matt in Oswego

On Monday, November 15, 2021 at 1:23:34 PM UTC-6 wrote:

> Living in Chicago can make it hard to find secluded camping, but it does 
> exist.  During a ride from Chicago, IL to Davenport, IA via the I&M 
> canal>Hennepin Canal State Trail my friend Tim and I rode past an awesome 
> camp spot completed with fireplace.  We made a pack to come back to said 
> spot for an overnighter with a larger group.  The spot is 60ish miles from 
> Joliet, IL almost entirely on gravel and tucked between the Canal and the 
> Illinois river.  
> To start the trip I met up with my comrades Tim and Frangk aka Ben and 
> rode to the Metra to take the train to Joliet.  Once in Joliet we met our 
> friend Arb who had rode 60ish miles from the city to meet us.  Arb was 
> planning on 120ish mile ride.  Tim was riding his Susie, Frangk was riding 
> a brakeless single speed Surly steamroller, Arb was on a pink colored bike 
> that I currently can not remember and I was on my Gus.  
> We started heading west and realized quickly that we would be dealing with 
> headwind for the day.  Despite the west wind the weather was pretty perfect 
> for riding.  Everyone had enough snacks to ride awhile before picking up 
> food for lunch, dinner and breakfast (for the following morning) at the 
> Jewel in Morris.  We stopped a few times before and after Morris to try pot 
> and eat.   
> As we got about 12 miles away from the site a stick got sucked up into 
> Tim's front tire.  Tim was leading the pack and the stick somehow caused 4 
> of Tim's spokes to snap, seize up the front wheel and sent him over the 
> handle bars.  I was about 5 feet behind Tim and had time to squeeze my Paul 
> motolites but made the quick decision to ride straight into his bike on the 
> ground because Frangk was about 2 feet behind me on a brakeless fixed 
> gear.  This gave Frangk the option to bail to my left or right. Thankfully 
> Tim was pretty much fine and his bike was rideable.  We talked later in 
> front of the fire and laughed at how much worse it could have been. 
> [image: IMG_0039.jpg]
> [image: IMG_0040.jpg]
> Coordinates are highlighted Orange if anyone is interested.
> Make sure to duck for the first couple underpasses 
> [image: IMG_8001.jpg]
> Due to Kid Duties our dear friend Dave had to bail so we sent him this pic 
> of Arb.  
> [image: IMG_0036.jpg]
> As previously stated Frangk Rode the entire trip brakeless on a fixed.  
> [image: IMG_8006 (1).jpg]
> Four spokes broken but that didn't stop Tim.  Arb Sticks an arm through
>  He even rode home like this the following day
> [image: IMG_8007.jpg]
> The Spot 

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