It would be more accurate to say that fly-fishing led me to Rivendell,

Mountain Sports Limited in Bristol VA, a Rivendell dealer, is also an
Orvis fly shop.   I was in there talking to Patrick when I noticed the
Rivendells.  That's how I got to know Bobby and Steve.

But, an older hobby of mine, which is how I got to know Patrick and
got into fly-fishing in the first place, is old Series Land
Rovers....  (I've got a '72 and a '60).   I took the '72 apart and put
it back together on a new chassis;  the '60 is going to be my next
project, as it needs a chassis, too.  I can be found on several Rover

In what seems like a previous lifetime, I was a grunt in the Marines.
Went into college, became a geologist (or, perhaps more accurately,
discovered I was a geologist, and got a degree or two to show it).
Part of the tie to Land Rovers (was Jeeps previously, transitioned out
of Jeeps to Rovers over a dozen years ago now), is that when you have
a tendency to drag rocks home w/ you, backpacking out w/ them isn't so
much fun, a 4x4 makes that easier.     Work on reclaiming coal mines

Don't know if you know much about geologists, but I think I'm pretty
typical, coffee by day, beer by night.   (Part of the reason I need to
bike more, eh?)   Not a high-brow coffee guy (not roasting my own
beans, grinding, french press, etc.;  I'm happy w/ JFG, or Joe Muggs,
or Starbucks' dark roast;  but, I probably go through two pots a
day...?  Close to, if not more....).   I like Fat Tire, 1554, Dead
Guy, Bass, Guinness, Negro Modelo, ales and porters and stouts, not so
much on the pilsners or hefeweizens.

Along w/ the infantry-bit, goes camping, hiking, and shooting.  I do
short overnight backpacking trips along the AT along the TN/NC line,
the Smokies, Mt Rogers area of Virginia.    Help out w/ a lot of
naturalist rallies in the area here.

I wouldn't say that I play guitar.  I have a couple, a shallow-bowl
Ovation and a Fender Stratocaster;   I would say I occasionally pull
them out and beat on them, but what little skill I had decades ago
when I was a teen in high-school, has long since faded from disuse.

I've got a Dagger kayak, an old Blue Hole canoe, but don't use 'em as
much as I should.   In addition to the Ram, I have an old Nishiki MTB
from my college days, but plan to replace it w/ a Bombadil.

Haven't fenced since college.  Used to do 3-weapon, but don't know of
any fencers w/in an hour's drive of here.

Am a Nikon fan.  Started into photography by kidnapping my dad's Canon
when I was beginning on annual staff in high-school, then he got me a
Nikon, and I've had several.   (N4004, N70, D80... want a D300s, but
keep spending my money before I buy one).   Not a great photographer,
use my SE phone as a camera more often than anything else these days,
just because of the convenience, but often have to pull a camera out
at work when documenting things for reports, etc.;  'work' photos
instead of 'art' photos.

Most of my time, though, is in being dad.   Kids and I rode 20 miles
Sunday afternoon here in town.... brisk day, not cool, but windy.
Good day.


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