OMG Leah ..... Go for ride around the neighbourhood like that. If someone 
asks if you got a new bike, reply "yeah, it's my new pool noodle bike I 
made in my spare time. It looks great doesn't it ?"  Oh the reaction would 
be priceless !  
On Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 1:24:17 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> Here is the situation:
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 16, 2021, at 8:39 PM, Dorothy C <> wrote:
> Leah, I find personally, as a 61 year old woman, that if I lift my 
> Cheviot with the stem in my right hand, then reach over the bike and grasp 
> the middle seat stay in my left hand, at about fender level, the center of 
> gravity seems more balanced front to rear, and I can lift it more easily. I 
> have pretty long arms for my height, so the saddle doesn’t get in the way. 
> On Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 5:02:00 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
> wrote:
>> Gotta keep working on that. I might be able to get that Clem up higher 
>> now. Will report back. 🤣
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 16, 2021, at 4:35 PM, Eric Daume <> wrote:
>> You could save the weights and just lift one of your Clems above your 
>> head :)
>> Eric
>> On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 4:37 PM Leah Peterson <> 
>> wrote:
>>> I did NOT think this long bike would fit, but it does. I just slammed 
>>> the bars and angled the bike. Inched the bucket seat forward a hair. I will 
>>> wrap some pool noodles around the frame, tuck the suitcases around it, and 
>>> boom, done. I’m packing light this year, just bringing some dumbbells 
>>> besides the suitcases so I can keep up my weightlifting routine. The 3 
>>> Clems on the rack will still be at risk, but those I can replace. There’s 
>>> only one raspberry Platypus, and I doubt windows will be smashed in when 
>>> the 3 bait bikes are in view. But still hoping to arrive to and from with 
>>> all 4 Rivendells! 
>>> I really appreciate every point of view offered here. You were all 
>>> valuable to me. I love this community.
>>> Leah
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Jun 16, 2021, at 11:16 AM, Joe Bernard <> wrote:
>>> That works! Ok forget the part where I changed my mind and said leave 
>>> the Platy home cuz I was right the first time. I think the lesson we all 
>>> can learn here is...don't listen to me! 🤪
>>> Joe know-nothing Bernard 
>>> On Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 8:29:05 AM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Ok, here’s the compromise. If this bike is inside the locked van, good 
>>>> enough for me! Can you believe this long bike fit?! Everyone, quick, go 
>>>> buy 
>>>> a Honda Odyssey!
>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>> On Jun 16, 2021, at 7:17 AM, Melanie <> wrote:
>>>> If anything untoward happens on vacation, wouldn't you rather it 
>>>> happen to the Clem? Let the Clem be your beausage bike and let the Platy 
>>>> be 
>>>> your precious.
>>>> Have a relaxed vacation!
>>>> Melanie (who is about to go on vacation, sadly sans any Riv at all)
>>>> On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 2:08:31 AM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Every summer I leave for five weeks or so. I drive across the country 
>>>>> to our home states and spend that time with our families. Our kids get 
>>>>> out 
>>>>> of the desert and get to have lake life and grandma time and run wild. I 
>>>>> have a Saris Freedom 4 bike rack, and I can/might take my Clem, my 
>>>>> Platypus 
>>>>> and the boys’ Clems. We get a lot of riding done up North, and with temps 
>>>>> 110 in Vegas in the summer, I relish that riding time. Hassle though it 
>>>>> is, 
>>>>> I’ll bring our Rivendells. Four of them. 🙄
>>>>> But which ones? 
>>>>> I can remember last year as we journeyed out of Yellowstone, we 
>>>>> thought it would be great to take the Beartooth Highway out of the park. 
>>>>> One moment we were enjoying views from the top of the world and the next, 
>>>>> we were in a June snowstorm that barely allowed visibility 20 feet in 
>>>>> front 
>>>>> of us. I worried for my dyno hub, and also that we’d be rear-ended. When 
>>>>> we 
>>>>> got to Billings, those poor bikes suffered through the most torrential 
>>>>> downpour I can ever remember driving through. My son’s Brooks B17 Select 
>>>>> still bears the scars (yes, it had a Randi Jo saddle cover). And then 
>>>>> there’s the theft risk (we u lock them to the rack overnight on our 
>>>>> drive), 
>>>>> and maybe it’s higher in the Bicycle Shortage of 2020 and 2021. Oh, and 
>>>>> the 
>>>>> risk of being knocked over by exuberant little nieces and nephews as we 
>>>>> jam 
>>>>> our bikes into family garages…
>>>>> The struggle is this. I don’t want to leave my most favorite bike ever 
>>>>> behind for 5 weeks. The Clem is just not the same, and though I plan to 
>>>>> bring it, I would really, REALLY miss my Platy if I ONLY took the Clem. 
>>>>> But 
>>>>> if tragedy should befall me, the raspberry Platy can’t exactly be 
>>>>> replaced. 
>>>>> There’s only one. 
>>>>> Should I just take my chances because high risk, high reward? Suck 
>>>>> every last drop of joy out of it and stop worrying, because after all, it 
>>>>> is a bike, and it’s meant to be ridden? Or should I protect it, keep it 
>>>>> safe like Gollum and his Precious? Just ride the Clem and pine for the 
>>>>> Platy? I have hand-wrung about this for weeks. I decide, IT WILL BE FINE 
>>>>> YOUR 
>>>>> PLATY GETS HURT OR STOLEN. We leave Friday and the pressure is mounting.
>>>>> Who has an irreplaceable bike and can relate and would offer an 
>>>>> opinion?
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> Leah
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