Good detective work Andy. Way back I recall Grant talking about decals and I’m 
quite sure he referred to SSI as Riv’s supplier.

For all those interested I hope SSI will accommodate one off requests.

Rich in ATL

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 15, 2021, at 5:31 AM, ascpgh <> wrote:
> Make that Sheet 3. (duh)
> Andy Cheatham
> Pittsburgh
>> On Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 5:28:52 AM UTC-4 ascpgh wrote:
>> Here's a decal/sticker/transfer source to try for a Ram refinish:  
>> Their site, if you follow the restoration links, brings you to this nice 
>> map: 
>> In their alphabetic listings, Rivendell, Sheet 4, is this valued image: 
>> They were vendors at the last Philly Bike Expo and appear to have a deep 
>> catalog and multitudes of format types to satisfy your insignia wishes the 
>> refinishing. Nice folks and sounded like they were very experienced in their 
>> work. I do believe they will make one offs as well. 
>> Andy Cheatham
>> Pittsburgh
>>> On Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 8:34:38 PM UTC-4 RichS wrote:
>>> Agree with Andy and Paul on the paint work Mr. Coast has done for his 
>>> frames. A Vanilla Shake Ram with the right accents could look mighty sweet! 
>>> Designate the color as Sheepswool Cream, beige or off white!
>>> Riv does not have Ram decals so you'll have to have them made. Bruce (Fully 
>>> Lugged) on this list had decals made for his Ram. If Bruce checks in here 
>>> regularly he can give you his contact. Of course the Riv folks may be able 
>>> to connect you with a vendor who makes one off decals.
>>> Best,
>>> Rich in ATL
>>>> On Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 7:46:07 PM UTC-4 LBleriot wrote:
>>>> I found some blistering on my protovelo Romulus and after getting quotes 
>>>> from Coast and Waterford, I decided to have my local auto body shop 
>>>> respray the frame.  It’s a single color with no panel on the head tube and 
>>>> no decals.  For $75 I got a beautiful respray that matches the original 
>>>> color on the fork perfectly.  It took a day and I avoided the hassle of 
>>>> shipping.  Something to consider.  If it was my orange Ram, I might get on 
>>>> the Joe Bell list and go through the effort. 
>>>>> On Monday, April 12, 2021 at 3:20:23 PM UTC-4 Buck Flagg wrote:
>>>>> Hello, group! Help needed!
>>>>> I am getting to the point with my RivBike that I will soon be needing a 
>>>>> repaint. My fifteen year-old Rambouillet is a four-season commuter with 
>>>>> around 55K miles on it, 99% racked up on NYC streets and bike lanes. With 
>>>>> all that, not to mention daily chaining to a bike rack, it would be 
>>>>> impossible to maintain a frame in pristine condition but now my periodic 
>>>>> inspections are starting to turn up evidence of corrosion causing wee 
>>>>> blisters in the original paint in a few places.
>>>>> The Rivendell website page on repaints lists a couple of shops in CA and 
>>>>> Waterford.
>>>>> Anyone here have any wisdom/experience/opinions on this subject they'd 
>>>>> care to offer regarding these or any other paint shops? Ideally, I'd love 
>>>>> to find someone with mad skilz in the greater NYC area who has experience 
>>>>> with the Rivendell product and access to the Rivendell decals.
>>>>> Very grateful, in advance, for any help!
> -- 
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