Jason makes a great point. Things have a better chance of turning up when 
you call or email for specifics rather than refreshing that product page! 
If you get a definitive idea of when those parts will be back in stock at 
Paul it will help you decide if you want to purchase from Blue Lug instead. 
Food for thought :) 

On Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 1:30:54 AM UTC-4 divis...@gmail.com wrote:

> Plus, they also have a supply chain. They're not mining the bauxite, 
> smelting the aluminum and fabricating the CNC tools themselves; their 
> suppliers are constrained in all the same ways as everyone else, and the 
> delays magnify through each stage.
> Peter "sad, but true" Adler
> Berkeley, CA
> On Saturday, March 27, 2021 at 8:48:37 PM UTC-7 velomann wrote:
>> Regarding Paul components and supply/restock.
>> I've ordered special stuff from Paul several times over the years and 
>> always had fantastic and very personal service. And sometimes they've even 
>> "found" stuff for me that wasn't available on the website. 
>> That said, they have mentioned more than once on blog and social media 
>> that their production is hampered right now by the need to have each person 
>> working alone and maintaining Covid protocol. The downside to running a 
>> small production operation in these times.
>> Mike M
>> On Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 11:39:32 PM UTC-7 brendonoid wrote:
>>> Hey guys thought I'd throw this out to the group I've been waiting for 
>>> Paul to restock the ol' motolites for what seems like it must be at least 6 
>>> months now with no success. My poor Appaloosa just wants to go for a ride 
>>> and the only thing on my build list that is missing are the brakes.
>>> I am after silver for the brakes and levers but boy if someone had some 
>>> blue anodised laying around that they were actually willing to part with 
>>> that would be amazing.
>>> Main caveat: I live in Australia so will require you to international 
>>> ship.
>>> I know this might be a long-shot but thanks in advance.
>>> -Brendon M.

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