If that's the frame, I don't see what's so un-Riv about it, aside from
the lack of fender/rack eyelets. Otherwise, looks unmistakably Riv-ish
to me.
Given the apparent interest it's generated, I don't understand why
they don't try to auction it off as-is rather than sinking more money
into it with a retrofit.

On Apr 23, 9:04 am, Bill Connell <bconn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is apparently the 
> frame:http://www.flickr.com/photos/25671...@n02/4512933760/sizes/l/
> I understand the desire to change it to a more typical Rivendell frame
> before releasing it to the wild, but i think Braden has a good point
> in his post. I admit that i check out the prototype listings once in a
> while, just to see if there was something odd and interesting that
> Grant tried and later canceled for whatever reason. Rivendell
> certainly has a strong house style, but there's also a long streak of
> experimenting, so i don't think it would be so bad for something like
> this to exist as-is.
> --
> Bill Connell
> St. Paul, MN
> On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Aaron Thomas <aaron.a.tho...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > Have photos been posted of this mystery frame? I'd like to see what
> > all the hullabaloo is about.
> > Aaron
> > On Apr 23, 7:00 am, bdavis999 <braden_da...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >> Grant,
> >> Can I offer an idea here.  For many companies, part of the mystique
> >> and elements that build the long-termcult appeal are these very rare
> >> white elephant or skunk-works products.
> >> An example would be Fat City Tandems, or the Ibis Scorcher.  Soemtimes
> >> these items are strokes of genius, but sometimes they are random
> >> accidents.
> >> I imagine this bike, if left as-is would develop a lore of it's own.
> >> The one odd-ball, that passes through collections, hoepfully gets
> >> ridden hard, and maybe ends up in one of the bike museums.
> >> I remember form one of your first Readers a piece talking about how
> >> you imagined 100 years in the future that someone would dig out a
> >> rough frame from the scrap heap, and would be able to tell by the lugs
> >> and design that it was a Rivendell (my memory isn't so strong, but I
> >> think that's how it went).
> >> Somehow this bike, while not being pure to your vision, would be one
> >> of these frames that bike scholar's argue about, and bike geeks stay
> >> up all night chatting about when and where they first heard about it.
> >> Just looking at the enthusiasm this one-off has cused on this board
> >> would be an indication of how this bike is already a cult object, and
> >> your fans are afraid that this one white elephant would be stripped of
> >> its tusks...
> >> Plkeas, take a bit of time to reflect.  Maybe this is an opportunity
> >> to think about where in the life of Rivendell you need or want to
> >> inject these rare and truly unique gems (or aberations) into your
> >> legacy.
> >> Thanks!
> >> Braden
> >> On Apr 23, 1:22 am, Grant Petersen <gr...@rivbike.com> wrote:
> >> > The bike is beautiful, yes, but for a complication of reasons, not all of
> >> > which are rational, it will be transformed, plained-down, de-'caled, and
> >> > repainted. Canti-bosses will be added to the seat stays, and it'll be 
> >> > made
> >> > rackable, and 'enderable---so it will be way more go, tho' some less 
> >> > show.
> >> > It may *seem* a shame, but it's not. It will be a *happy* 
> >> > transformation. If
> >> > we put a dollar value on the time spent on this bike, it would be the 
> >> > most
> >> > expensive bike we've ever done. More than 40 hours of consultation over 
> >> > two
> >> > years. It's OK, part of the deal, but after all that, catharsis is the 
> >> > only
> >> > option. This showgirl's going to get a good scrub-down and work on the 
> >> > farm,
> >> > and in my estimation, will be more beautiful for it.
> >> > My only regret, and it's not a small one, is that Joe Bell's labor will 
> >> > be
> >> > undone. All...$900 or so of it. We've been good customers to JB over the
> >> > years and ask his understanding this one rare time, and your's, too.
> >> > Grant
> --
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