HI Joe, Thank you for the warm welcome.  I appreciate your input as I am just 
getting started and will have to make this decision for sure.  I am only use to 
rapid fire thumb shifters on my hybrid and brifters on my road bike.  I don't 
know anything about friction shifting so I'm not sure if this is for me.  Why 
didn't you use them for front and back?KateTrenton, NJ
upyourkarma@yahoo.comKate Gilson 

    On Wednesday, February 24, 2021, 08:48:10 PM EST, Joe Bernard 
<joerem...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 Hi Kate, welcome to the Riv Show 🙋‍♂️
I think you'll love that gorgeous Platypus, it's the business! You can't go 
wrong with most of Riv's suggestions for parts, but the indexing/friction 
shifter conundrum may come up and I don't know what you're using on your road 
and trail bikes (and you may already know what you want and my advice is moot). 
Friction front is great, but Riv is also a big propronent of friction rear, as 
are many of its riders. I am not that person, I need clicky shifts for the rear 
derailleur. My recently-purchased-used Riv Susie came with friction rear and I 
just replaced it with this clicky-thing..I'll have a friction thumbshifter for 
the front and this index for the rear, this is a setup Riv offers. 
Joe Bernard

On Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 4:57:13 PM UTC-8 upyou...@yahoo.com wrote:

Oh hello new sister!!!! I will post pics. I just spoke with Will last evening 
and secured myself the green. I’m so nervous and worried since I’ve never 
ridden a Riv nor have I ever ridden a mixer ha ha. I’ve never had the 
opportunity to select any parts of a bike before. This is so new I wondered if 
I made a mistake and should cancel but I came across this group and found your 
pics and got excited that this could be a real good thing. I will sleep better 
tonight knowing there are 2 sets of braze-ons fir water bottles. More questions 
to follow.Thanks for connecting. Kate from NJ

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 24, 2021, at 19:42, Leah Peterson <jonasa...@gmail.com> wrote:

Kate! A new #RivSister? Color me delighted! 

You are going to LOVE your new Platy. Love. You can take it off on trails or 
ride it on the road. You can haul things around with you, commute, run errands, 
pedal aimlessly - it’s good for it all. I have a Clem, too, and while it is 
very multidimensional, it is not as fast. The Platy turns so easily and just 
feels perfect for me. It has the comfort of long chainstays but is not as long 
as the Clem - it truly does not feel like a long bike to me. The Platy is quick 
and light and I swear it will be even more so in that gorgeous green. I really 
am so happy for you. You will show us your bike and report back, won’t you?
Braze-ons - YES! There are two water bottle mounts and I am picturing them 
below. Mine have some other stuff blocking a great view, but they are there. 
Did I miss anything? Ask all the questions you want. I’m so happy to 


Sent from my iPad

On Feb 24, 2021, at 4:02 PM, 'upyou...@yahoo.com' via RBW Owners Bunch 
<rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

HI Leah,I really want to know how your new Platy rides.  I'm in line for a 
lovely green one and have never ridden a mixte.  I have an old road bike and an 
old trail bike.  I ride anywhere from an hour to a week of riding 40 miles a 
day.  I'm hoping the Platy will cover all my bases and I can unload my old 
bikes which I do not love. 
Can you confirm that there are braze-ons for 2 water bottles?  You sure do look 
happy with your bike.  CheersKate On Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 9:34:51 AM 
UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:

There is no cure for mixte-itis. The only way to be rid of it for sure is to 
ask your Appaloosa to scoot over and  allow a Platy to move into your garage. 
Once that is done, the next step in your treatment process is to message your 
#RivSisters and start planning your build and dreaming about finery.
There is no other way. Leah

Sent from my iPad

On Jan 28, 2021, at 6:28 AM, Melanie Yolles <myo...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks for everyone's thoughts on mixtes. So there is no difference in the ride 
per se, just some perceived advantages (aesthetics, ability to hop on/off 
without fear of hitting the top tube, ability to wear a sundress, LOL!).  There 
are definitely times I wished that my Appaloosa had a lower top tube. So now 
I'm trying to fight off a case of BBDD-induced Platypus fever. Is there a 

On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 8:47 AM Melanie <myo...@gmail.com> wrote:

All this discussion of mixtes on the list has made me curious. I’ve never 
ridden a mixte. Other than mounting/dismounting, do owners of both types of 
bikes experience any real differences between riding a mixte and riding a 
diamond frame?
Mixte-curious Melanie 

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