Thanks, Tim; I considered the Jones bar but decided I'd like to try the MAP
or similar bar first.
On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 9:14 AM Tim Baldwin <> wrote:

> Patrick, I have a 660mm Jones bar I'd be willing to sell. Since you're
> putting on a single speed, there's plenty of room to trim down to taste. I
> never held the front taped area much but that's because I put it on a bike
> with too much reach. Otherwise they were pretty solid for commuting, dirt
> roads, and some mellow singletrack. Not sue I would sell for any less than
> you would pay for ordering new Ahearne Map bars though.
> On Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 9:53:41 AM UTC-6 Patrick Moore wrote:
>> Thanks. I've been eyeing the Daija Far bar, only 44 cm at the hoods, but
>> I think I'll try the MAP or a similar bar first.
>> On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 9:42 PM Philip Williamson <>
>> wrote:
>>> Black 31.8 flared drops in either 52 or 58 at the ends. Hoods are much
>>> narrower. I like the 58. I got a 52 at a great price from Analog, and
>>> Candace said “you probably won’t like it if you’re over 5’2”. She was
>>> right, at least with the Ritchey Force stem on the RoadLite. I swapped for
>>> a 58 and put moustache bars on the Frances.
>>> These used to be easier to find, and the silver 25.4 ones were harder to
>>> find. Times change.
>>> Philip
>>> Santa Rosa, CA
>>> On Monday, February 15, 2021 at 10:58:29 AM UTC-8 Patrick Moore wrote:
>>>> My Monocog (so much prettier than Leah's Platypus) is surprisingly
>>>> comfortable with the stock (at least, that's what I got with the bike as
>>>> second owner) mtb bar after I cut fully 8" off of it, but the shortening
>>>> also cut off the ends that curved backward, and now there is only a minimal
>>>> rearward angle; I'd like more. Also, I'd like more positions, both a sit up
>>>> and beg type position and a lower and narrower hard-surface cruising
>>>> position in addition to the sit-up-and-beg.
>>>> I know that I could get what I need with a longer (say 110 or 120 mm
>>>> instead of 90) and higher (say 45* instead of 30*) stem, but the Monocog
>>>> has cable discs (which work perfectly well with mtb levers, btw -- no
>>>> rubbing, strong, only rather grabby). If I were to swap in a drop bar, I'd
>>>> have to change the levers.
>>>> 1. Jones bar or flared drop or something else? I don't want a bar with
>>>> huge rearward sweep and, in fact, if I were to buy the Jones bar I looked
>>>> at, I'd amputate all but fistfulls from each end.
>>>> 2. If drop, which one? I'd like a flared drop for dirt and brush
>>>> control, but with slightly narrower hoods that are comfortable when
>>>> cruising on flat, hard ground, not hugely wide (of the 6 or 8 flared drops
>>>> I tried over the years, from the original WTBs to the an On One bar of some
>>>> sort that was far too wide, a 44 cm Salsa Bell Lap was the best, but that
>>>> was 10 years ago or more. I'd set this up higher and closer so that the
>>>> hooks are comfortable on (flat) singletrack, but the hoods comfortable for
>>>> cruising with elbows bent, and the flats for situpandbeg.
>>>> 3. Brake lever question: One advantage of the Jones is that I could use
>>>> the existing levers. But for a drop bar, another question: Has anyone
>>>> experience using cable *MOUNTAIN BIKE *discs with *NON-AERO ROAD* levers?
>>>> Those in question are an old pair of mid-level Campy *non aero* levers.
>>>> 4. On One Mary? I find the present too-straight cut down mtb bar more
>>>> comfortable than the apparently similar Suly Open bar, though.
>>>> Ta!
>>>> Patrick
>>>> --
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Patrick Moore
>>>> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
>>>> --
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>> --
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Patrick Moore
>> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
>> --
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Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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