There used to be a video on the VP website, but it's not there anymore. 
There is only a video for the Harrier rebuild.
I didn't watch it, and you probably already found it, but if not, maybe 
that's helpful.


On Friday, January 29, 2021 at 5:21:52 PM UTC-6 J Schwartz wrote:

> Hello
> Looking for some assistance re: VP-001 rebuilding....
> I've managed to find a VP-001 rebuild kit, but can't seem to find any info 
> online about how to go about rebuilding them.
> Does anyone have info regarding that?
> I've managed to take apart the offending pedal (the right one) and 
> successfully tapped out 2 bearings.
> But I'm not sure about how get them back in...also I'm not sure if one is 
> different from the other and if one needs to go in first, etc.
> There are also collar bushings in the rebuild kit, however no bushings 
> like that in my pedal body.
> If you've done this successfully, I'd much appreciate to hear how it went
> thanks
> JS
> On Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at 5:29:34 AM UTC-4 spencer robinson wrote:
>> I did email Rivendell as I did not see the VP 001 rebuild kits listed but 
>> the other Spencer looked for me and found a few kits in stock. The rebuild 
>> is pretty straightforward and it just involved finding the right socket and 
>> pick to get the bushings out. The bearings are a sealed design. Easy to do 
>> and saved a set of pedals. I think the cost to rebuild them was worthwhile.
>> On Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 11:00:52 AM UTC-4 Garth wrote:
>>>    I have no idea if this helps or not, I take any pedal I buy apart 
>>> upon install and liberally apply grease in the axle. Enough that it oozes 
>>> out when it's back together. Knock on a Gorillas tree, everything has 
>>> worked perfectly. 
>>>   Some brands have very little grease from the factory. 
>>>   Before assuming the bearings are gone, if you hear noises just take it 
>>> apart and grease it very well. Try it out !  Grease is a great thing !

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