Again, Mike, no worries, thanks for the reply, and good on yer for the

On Mon, Dec 21, 2020 at 3:37 PM Mike Godwin <> wrote:

> Sorry Patrick.  The brakes are claimed, I went out for a ride in the nice
> weather and just saw this.
> As for the brakes, they were pretty powerful on Bob Jackson #2. No squeal,
> but I only rode it with the original wheelset and the brake shoes and rims
> were broken in by the previous owner.  Very positive braking force,
> modulated the pressure when squeezing the brake levers (Campy Chorus
> brifters). The springs are quite strong, but they appear to be infinitely
> adjustable. The set-up looks similar to Paul canti brakes.
> I'm running Dia Compe 980s (new version from Riv) with stock pads and the
> brakes work great on the renewed BJ#2 (wheelset I used on the short-lived
> Atlantis) and no shuddering.  Not as powerful as the Cafam brakes, but
> still very good. Using the same brake and wheelset on the Atlantis, it
> shuddered even with moderate braking which was pretty annoying. The cable
> run on BJ#2 is a bit different, but a whole different bike it would be
> difficult to pinpoint why Atlantis shuddered on braking and BJ#2 does not.
> Mike SLO CA
> On Monday, December 21, 2020 at 12:44:21 PM UTC-8 Patrick Moore wrote:
>> Sorry, can't take this offlist, which I meant it to be. Mike, I have
>> bought many things from you and v-v, but don't currently have your email
>> address. Can you send?
>> Moving on to point: Mike: I think those IRDs may be the wonderful brakes
>> Riv staff installed on the shop floor Sam Hill I bought back in
>> whateverthehellitwas; first edition Sam. Those were the best brakes of all,
>> comparing Vs, discs, dual and single pivots, centerpulls, stirrups,
>> Altenbergers, stirrup/bowden hybrids, coasters, drums; all sorts and all
>> makes and models.
>> I am still hoping to get my Tektro CR 520s to stop squealing in front,
>> but scuttlebutt says that these have sloppy pivots and so, if within a
>> month or so, after buying some lacquer thinner to clean rim, and going back
>> to OEM Tektro pads, don't fix problem, I may be interested if these haven't
>> sold by then. Just sayin'.
>> Can you tell me whether these are likely to work well, no squeal or
>> shudder, with long head and steerer tubes?
>> Thanks.
>> Question, general, for full list, not IRD related: with some posts in
>> gmail I can dig out the sender's personal email address by creating draft
>> and clicking on the rbw address, which makes the sender's address show up;
>> with others, Mikes here included, I can't. Does anyone know why this is so?
>> On Mon, Dec 21, 2020 at 10:29 AM Mike Godwin <> wrote:
>>> Hi, found these too I meant to post for the offering:
>>> Cafam Brakes, $100 shipped.  All bits - mounting bolts, brakes, kool
>>> stop pads, straddle cables, anchors on one arm, and the canti post sleeves.
>>> IRD Cantilever Brake Cafam II | Interloc Racing
>>> <>
>>> Mike SLO CA
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>> --
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Patrick Moore
>> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
>> --
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Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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