Thanks for all the help.  Sounds like I'm good with a Berthoud and 
Sackville Bag connection (Top Priority.)  I have no Carradice bags to speak 
of, so that won't be an issue.  Very curious to see how a BagsXBird medium 
Goldback attaches, not trying to do a lot of jerryrigging with heavier 
loads, so perhaps the Goldback will be a B17 specific bag.  Will let you 
know how it works out.  Appreciate all the advice.  One more tidbit. I have 
replace all the leather straps on my Sackville bags with Voile Nanos, to 
great effect!  Required a smaller dowel at the attachment point for my 
BagBoy, but now I can really get that bag higher up and further away from 
the wheel.


On Sunday, December 20, 2020 at 1:28:25 PM UTC-8 Joe Bernard wrote:

> This is true of Carradice specifically, I've had a couple with comically 
> short straps that were a pain in the patooty to work with. Longer straps 
> are the ticket there, although this doesn't really matter for the OP. 
> Sackvilles fit Brooks and Berthoud. 
> On Sunday, December 20, 2020 at 1:12:37 PM UTC-8 Patrick Moore wrote:
>> FWIW, one can make most saddlebag straps work with most mounting loops, 
>> be these integrated with the saddle or bolt on, simply by using longer 
>> straps. I've done this umpteen times (umpteen comes after 19 and before 
>> 20). Toe straps work well, at least leather ones, but there are all sorts 
>> of long, longer, longest leather straps available, from Carradice and many 
>> others. If you have a long enough strap and are patient, you can get 'most 
>> any bag to strap to 'most any saddle, and the bag will happily and securely 
>> carry 30 lb loads. Do this alla time.
>> On Sun, Dec 20, 2020 at 1:16 AM Nick Payne <> wrote:
>>> No, the bag loops on a Berthoud saddle are spaced about 15mm closer 
>>> together than on a B17, and a Carradice saddlebag, for example, won't fit 
>>> directly to the bag loops on a Berthoud saddle. 
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Patrick Moore
>> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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