How will it be different than a QuickBeam? That's more of a rhetorical 
question, maybe just asking what was there to improve on a QB that a R1 
will get right? My 66cm QuickBeam (Orange) already has *adjustable* wheel 
base, is fully lugged, and has proved versatile enough for a loaded S24O, a 
55 mile Brevet, all my local grocery shopping and restaurant dinner takeout 
pickup. I know, it's just the RBW "way" for bike models (apart from 
Atlantis) to have limited runs, frames that carry their cachet for 
years/decades beyond their end-of-run date. I'm  never letting go of my QB, 
but I hope the R1 is an awesome frame that sells like begeezus.

- Andrew, Berkeley

p.s. It took me a while to get the new sticker - "nothing" is greater than 
a bicycle!

On Friday, December 11, 2020 at 5:01:25 PM UTC-8 Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY 

> Fingers crossed that they'll make a big one...
> ..any color will do
> -Kai
> On Friday, December 11, 2020 at 6:03:18 PM UTC-5 Nathan F wrote:
>> From today's BLAHG:
>> "1. *RoadUno,* a onespeed derailerless country-kind of bike (not modeled 
>> after a track bike). For pavement, town, commutes. It's not a trail bike. 
>> You can ride it on dirt and gravel roads, but it's kind of rude to ride it 
>> on hilly and rough trails. More on it way below."
>> Sounds great. I'm praying for purple (no grey or RBW Blue, please--sorry 
>> but they use 'em too much) and v-brakes. Based on the name I think the 
>> latter is unlikely : (
>> - Nathan in PDX

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