Always a tricky thing.  The bike charity co-op in NYC that I dropped parts
off at before moving back to KC, they would go through more desirable parts
and sell online or in their retail location with funds going to the
operation. So maybe just looking for the right co-op that does that sort of
thing is an answer, or put that stipulation on your donation?
I've also seen people who will sell items at market value or maybe below
and denote that proceeds are going to charity, kinda like a bake sale.
I'm personally fond of that approach and will be doing with some odd and
ends later in the year.
You could also offer up on a forum and state that the buyer can donate the
dollar amount of their item to a list of charities and provide proof, then
you can provide them the item.  I use a software product that the owner
calls charityware, where you can only obtain a license for the product by
providing a receipt to a charity of your choice.  I've also seen raffles
done recently like this.

--ben in KC.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 1:46 PM Jay Lonner <> wrote:

> Over the years I have amassed a sizable stash of really nice components
> that I no longer need - Paul brakes and levers, Nitto stems and handlebars,
> XTR M900 wheelset, SON dynohub, etc. It's all valuable on the open market,
> but Riv's BRP has got me thinking about how best to donate it for maximal
> benefit. My fear is that if I just dropped it all off at my local bike
> co-op the best stuff will be skimmed by the staff. I've thought of reaching
> out to Riv directly to see if they could repurpose it for the BRP, but that
> potentially creates issues they'd rather avoid (liability, not wanting to
> become a used parts dumping ground, etc.). So I thought I'd poll the nice
> folks here for some ideas on how to Marie Kondo my parts bin while serving
> the interests of social justice. It may be that the best move will be to
> take a page from Peter Singer and sell the stuff outright and then donate
> the proceeds - in that case stay tuned, since I'll probably list it all
> here first.
> Jay Lonner
> Bellingham, WA
> --
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