I took a nice fall out 'n' back on the new Matthews RBFR shod with the new
39 mm (actual with tubes on 21 mm outside rims; expect them to stretch)
42mm-labeled Naches Pass extralights. Slight headwind southbound, slight
tailwind return.

I was trundling along smugly, thinking I was king of the road -- passed a
number of mere mortals, etc. Reached the turnaround point at 10.5 miles,
stopped for drink, heard loud ratchet sounds, little butterball of a
greybeard pulled up, turned around, and prepared to head back north, and he
greeted me. He was riding some state-of-art carbon fiber vunderbike with
exotic wheels and hub with hornet freewhee. I recognized him as someone I
had tried to draft a couple of months ago, on one of my inaugural rides on
this same bike, as he headed north drafting a much younger man. So I said
hello and expressed my recognition.

He headed off and I followed a minute or so later, but damned if I could
reel him in; not that I was trying that hard. But -- here's the point:
during our last encounter, I said, "well, I'm 65!" He retorted, "Well I'm
74." And this time I have to admit he put meters on me; started out perhaps
1/4 mile ahead and, after 10 miles, he must have added another 34 mile.
(Not that I was really trying. And I was tired. And I had the drag of a
pannier. And only 3 gears. Not that I really care.)

Anyway, me, I was riding as I said the new Matthews RBFR overgeared with
the new Naches Passes: cog is 18 t for the 24.75" Elk Passes; the NPs are
almost 1 inch taller at 25.8", so the gearing moves from 56-66-74 to
59-68-79, and while the 531 frame -- and the tires -- do not at all hold
one back, I spend too much time between direct/second and overdrive/3d.
Have 19th cog on order.

To further drive home my insufficiency, I was passed 3/4 of the way home by
a young woman and shortly thereafter by a young man, but they did not catch
up to the old guy, as far as I know.

I am not sure I'll continue with the NPs. The Elk Passes -- 29 mm on my
rims -- are just wonderful; fast and giving the bike a really agile feel.
The NPs do not seem to slow the bike down at all as far as rolling goes
(and, this is interesting, this even with the much heavier and
thicker-walled tubes: Schwalbe SV 12s at 150 grams versus the light
Schwalbe whatevers at 70 grams [claimed 60 but actual 70]) but they do make
the handling a bit more staid and, in fact, with these taller tires, the
handling very much reminds me of that of my Ram shod with 700C X 29 mm
Parigi Roubaix. I do prefer the faster turn-in of the thinner tires, but I
am not sure at this point which I will choose as the default.

Anyway, very nice ride in very nice weather. No photo yet of the RBFR with
NPs; the fender line is perfect, btw.


Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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