My PBH is 80.6 and the 50cm was a great fit.  I know it does not answer 
your question, you can call Riv for their thoughts.  
On Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 11:19:24 AM UTC-4 Brent B wrote:

> 84~85 pbh and 5'9" here and I'm on a size 53 MIT Atlantis (from February 
> '20), and the fit is working pretty well for me. I also considered the 56 
> and I think it could have worked, but I'd have needed a short stem. My 
> current setup is an 80cm stem wiith Ahearne+Map bars, set kinda low. Also 
> tried bullmoose bars, which were great if I set them a bit higher up, and i 
> have a 120cm stem w/Billie bars that works nicely for more relaxed riding. 
> I also ride a old 55 All City Space Horse canti and a Med/55 Crust 
> Lightning Bolt. 
> You could maybe make the 56 work if you want to learn to love a bigger 
> bike fit; according to the charts you can clear the standover even if you 
> max out your tire size, but it's gonna feel like a big bike!
> I think this sizing is accurate to our Atlanti:
> -Brent
> On Tuesday, 13 October 2020 at 00:00:10 UTC-4 Jonathan D. wrote:
>> I have an 85 PBH and ride a 56 Waterford I am debating selling but not 
>> because of fit.  I also rode a 58 Toyo Atlantis.  Both were great and I 
>> would have gone just with wheel size.  I would buy a 53 MIT and ride a 55 
>> Joe Appaloosa. 
>> On Monday, October 12, 2020 at 7:54:36 PM UTC-7 dougP wrote:
>>> Alex:
>>> I have an 84cm PBH & ride a 58cm Atlantis from Toyo.  I've also ridden a 
>>> 56 cm & can fit either one. I'm in an overlap of the two sizes as made by 
>>> Toyo.
>>> Now to your question:  Do you know if the 56 cm 650B is from Waterford 
>>> or Taiwan?  There was a brief period a while back when Waterford made the 
>>> Atlantis.  I rode a 56cm 650B Waterford & it was a nice fit & nice ride.  
>>> Toyo's Atlantis was 26" wheels.  
>>> For the MIT (current version), there is no 56 cm.  53, 55, 59, but no 
>>> 56.  I rode a 53 cm without knowing it's size & assumed it was a 56.  It 
>>> felt great, especially the ride quality with the longer wheel base.  After 
>>> the ride, they told me it was a 53, and I was pleasantly surprised.
>>> I'll bet if you build it up & ride it, you'll love it.  
>>> dougP  
>>> On Monday, October 12, 2020 at 5:54:45 PM UTC-7, Alex K wrote:
>>>> Hey all.  I know Atlantis sizing is a hot topic around these parts.  At 
>>>> the risk of being redundant, I am trying to figure out which Atlantis is 
>>>> the one for me.  I recently bought a 56cm Atlantis 650b frame from the RBW 
>>>> Garage Sale, thinking that it was the perfect size for me.  Now that I am 
>>>> getting close to building it up, i’m starting to doubt myself.  I have an 
>>>> 85 PBH.  I tend to like bikes a LITTLE bit on the smaller size.  Wondering 
>>>> if perhaps the 53 Atlantis is actually the one for me.   Anybody have ANY 
>>>> advice at all?  Thanks a bunch.
>>>> Alex

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