Thanks, Ray, and sorry for the late follow-up. There are no chronic paint 
issues, but the chrome on the fork crown is lifting in spots. 

Paul Brodek
Hillsdale, NJ USA

On Friday, October 9, 2020 at 4:02:46 PM UTC-4, Ray wrote:
> Amazing photographs and beautiful bike. This looks like a really fun and 
> creative build. I would have never thought to 650b a vintage track bike, 
> but it looks so natural here. Well done.
> Also that bike looks too be in amazing condition for how old it is. Did 
> you have any issues with paint? I have a 1974 Raleigh Pro track, and for 
> some inexplicable reason the paint is chipping on the headtube and only the 
> headtube... no rust or anything, clean chrome underneath, just falling 
> right off. No clue why.
> Ray in Madison, WI
> On Friday, October 9, 2020 at 1:12:07 PM UTC-5 Paul Brodek wrote:
>> Don't think I posted this here before? Got the frame last winter, 650b'd 
>> it in early covid days, just updated/finalized it with new/old neo-retro 
>> 650b wheels.
>> Picked up this '71 Raleigh Pro Track frameset over the winter, planning 
>> to keep it as vintage as possible. First short shakedown ride was all 
>> vintage, and was pretty horrible. Bars were too narrow, with too deep a 
>> drop, the Campy NR brake lever body felt tiny, and with no rear brake 
>> having to dive down for the Campy lever was a little scary. So I 
>> immediately modernized the cockpit with wider bars, an aero lever and a 
>> 'cross lever. As much as I'd like to see a non-aero lever with some housing 
>> loops and swoops, full-on '70s, I'm reluctant to go there without a rear 
>> brake. Last basic piece of the cockpit puzzle was a Cane Creek tandem dummy 
>> lever for the right/rear side, which makes the bars a bit comfier and helps 
>> my upper body feel more balanced. As a bonus, from certain angles, the 
>> dummy lever looks a lot like Futurama's Dr. Zoidberg. 
>> Didn't have any vintage track wheels for the first build, so I used a set 
>> of on-hand, older Grand Cru 700c track wheels. They look vintage-ish, all 
>> silver with narrow rims. 26mm was about as wide as I could go on the tires, 
>> with pinch points both under the fork crown and between the chainstays. 
>> Tried Vittoria Corsa 28-622, which were around 26.5mm on the narrow Grand 
>> Cru rims. Definitely maxed out width-wise. 
>> That all gave me a fast and smooth ride, but definitely a bit harsh, 
>> especially for a fixed gear, where lifting off the saddle to coast/float 
>> over rough stuff isn't very effective. Can't let your legs get all relaxed 
>> and bump-absorbing springy when they have to keep spinning. 
>> So, whilst first hiding from the 'rona in my basement in March, I decided 
>> to try a 650b build, using a set of Paul/Velocity Synergy fixed/track 
>> wheels I had on hand. Which also look vintage-ish, with highish flanges on 
>> the Paul hubs, but still not the Real Deal. 
>> Grand Bois Cypres 32-584 tires fit fine front/rear. Looks like 38s would 
>> fit OK in the front, but would be too tight at the chainstays. Plenty of 
>> room under the seatstay bridge and behind the chainstay bridge. If I ever 
>> decide to get the frame tweaked, it'd be neat to bump the stays to fit 38s, 
>> and drill the seatstay bridge for a rear caliper. But I feel like it's too 
>> pretty to mess with. The unforgivable tyranny of beauty! 
>> First geared it 42x16, just under 70", then got a 41t TA ring from Peter 
>> White, to get the wheel a little further back in the drops, for better tire 
>> clearance. 
>> Brake reach is just over 60mm, so most normal-reach vintage sidepulls 
>> won't quite reach without modification. I lengthened the slots on a Suntour 
>> Superbe caliper, which worked OK, but I really wanted a Campy caliper to go 
>> with the rest of the Campy stuff. Got a normal-/long-reach Campy NR brake 
>> caliper, filed away the bottom of the slots, and used biggish washers on 
>> both sides of the arm to help increase the contact/clamping-force area. The 
>> shoes don't hit ribber, and I don't think they'll self-eject, but I 
>> wouldn't recommend this to others. I've got room to use a drop bolt, but 
>> they're hard to find for front/nutted, and it's a more visible kludge. A 
>> period-appropriate centerpull would be more solid, and maybe not look 
>> totally out of place, but that would mean a cable hanger/stop, and....not 
>> Campy. 
>> The bike stayed in that state since March, with me pining for a 650b 
>> wheelset with Campy high-flange track hubs. A few things came together, and 
>> yesterday I got a set of neo-retro wheels from Earle Young. Earle used my 
>> Campy 36h high-flange road hubs on new Pacenti Brevet 650b rims, with new 
>> spokes. Then I did a relatively painless road>track axle conversion on the 
>> hubs. The tires get about 1mm wider on the Brevets, still decent clearance 
>> at the chainstays, with the wheel further back in the drops. The Brevets 
>> look more vintage than the Synergys, and they don't have any tire-seating 
>> issues. If you're around vintage wheels a lot, the wider profile does look 
>> a little different, but I think that's less an issue with 650b than with 
>> 700c. I have a 700c set for my Hetchins, next up.
>> I also went back to a 7-style stem, Nitto Technomic, instead of the 
>> upjutting tig'd Nitto, mainly for vintage looks. Had to fool around with 
>> bottle cage and cross lever to get everything to fit. 
>> So other than the possibility of a different brake caliper to be named 
>> later, I consider it done.
>> Hoping to actually get a ride on it this weekend.
>> Flickr album here, small pix attached: 
>> [image: 50441879732_6f56889638_c.jpg]
>> [image: 50439494513_004d65a310_c.jpg]
>> [image: 50441003908_ed30af2888_c.jpg]
>> Paul Brodek
>> Hillsdale, NJ USA

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