lost your ooomph? Oh my goodness JOE. are you sandbagging ?
I don't get a complete picture, had to zoom way in on those pics.
But your bombadil!!
 It's like wall-e and EVE....
i so love it.  bravo!!

On Sun, Sep 20, 2020 at 8:17 PM Joe Bernard <joerem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Roberta,
> I have these on my Bombadil which will apparently never be completed..my
> bike building skills have lost their oomph! These truly terrible
> indoor-at-night pics should give you some sense of rise, reach and room for
> stuff. My tape measure shows me about 2.5cm rise or half of an Alba. That's
> with a slight drop from the clamp, too, these bars sit pretty low if you
> don't put them on a way-tall stem like I did.
> On Sunday, September 20, 2020 at 12:47:50 PM UTC-7 Roberta wrote:
>> (I deleted last post because of a typo in a link, rendering the link
>> useless.  This is the corrected version.)
>> Does anyone have rise information, especially on how it compares to the
>> Albatross?    These bars aren't published on the excellent site
>> whatbars.com .  Rise for Bosco is 100, for the Albas at 50 on the site.
>> I'm thinking about these for my Platypus.  These look like there's more
>> room for bell, shifter, brakes in front of grips than the Albas.  It might
>> even be better because it comes back a little more and I'm expecting the
>> Platypus to be long in the middle.
>> Thanks,
>> Roberta
>> On Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 12:37:14 PM UTC-5, Eric Grim wrote:
>>> Neat looking bar.  I've transitioned from the Mustache, to the
>>>> Albastache, and now my *San Marcos* wears Albatross bars, all in order
>>>> to get a wider straight section in the front for hand comfort in a forward
>>>> position.  (Always upside down, 'cause I like the classic "path racer"
>>>> look.)  The Losco looks like it has an even wider straight section than the
>>>> Albatross, and only a little rise/fall.  Tempting to try them sometime,
>>>> when I have a few extra bucks (might have to economise on something to find
>>>> room in the budget).  Still trying to find the magic combination of
>>>> varieties of hand position, stem extension, and bar tilt to stave off hand
>>>> numbness.
>>> Limper Grim, Spokane
>>>> --
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