While I sympathize with those suffering from wildfires in NoCal, don't 
forget about states like Nevada, Utah, and particularly Colorado where 
widespread "extreme" drought conditions (according to the U.S. Drought 
Monitor) have led to the burning of many acres of forest where the pine 
beetle infestation has already killed many trees.  My son lives in Colo. 
Springs and he sees these fires in nearby mountains on a daily basis. 
 Those on this list who live in that state may want to check in to give 
their witness to these catastrophic fires.

On Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 10:42:02 AM UTC-5, Patrick Moore wrote:
> We’ll gladly accept your rain.
> Patrick Moore
> iPhone
> On Aug 27, 2020, at 9:29 AM, Cyclofiend Jim <cyclo...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> Thank you Patrick and others. This has been a tough week. Air Quality has 
> mostly been good in our neck of the woods, but drops in the evening as the 
> wind shifts here north of SF and the smoke starts to lay into our area. 
> We've seen >200 a few times via Purple Air, and there's not much to do but 
> hang inside and keep everything closed. I've had a sore throat all week. 
> A friend texted me images from his place near the LNU Complex fire. He had 
> been lost everything but the stuff he had in his truck. 
> I used to really like late summer and early fall, but now, it's a definite 
> time of stress.
> Be safe everyone.
> - Jim
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