I just don't want my inbox blown up with every response to every thread, 
even if it's filtered to a separate RBW Bunch folder or something like 
that. I enjoy the interface of clicking through threads as I please in 
addition to reading threads in a descending order and having the thread 
confined to one space- things come across clearer to me that way, rather 
than sorta getting my emails mixed up / out of order. In fact one of the 
first things I did when I joined the group was turn off email notifications 
entirely, other than PMs.

It's not a huge deal, and if Google Groups stuff doesn't get sorted then 
maybe I will move to emails, I just also read emails all damn day at work 
and appreciate the respite. Not the end of the world, I just prefer the web 
interface. That said, maybe I just don't use email filters correctly.

Erik, Philly

On Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 5:25:41 PM UTC-4 campyo...@me.com wrote:

> To All:
> Taking a quick break from my work-at-home activities to express a bit of 
> puzzlement. I’ve been on this list for years, and for years I’ve seen 
> messages about people who try to respond to the person who posted a message 
> but couldn’t for some reason. I *think* this is all based on issues in the 
> online version of Google Groups, right?
> You all know that you can get all of this stuff sent to you in you email 
> inbox, yes? You get an email that is the same as the post on Google Groups, 
> which comes with the email of the sender/poster in it. Then you use your 
> email program to compose a message back. Quick and easy. I’ve done it this 
> way since … forever.
> Am I missing something? Are these people philosophically averse to using 
> email? You don’t *have* email? You only want to interact with the RBW Group 
> online? 
> Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. It’s just that the same problem 
> comes up over and over and over again, and the solution is so easy.
> OK, back to work for me. 
> --Eric Norris
> campyo...@me.com
> Insta: @CampyOnlyGuy
> YouTube: YouTube.com/CampyOnlyGuy  
> On Sep 3, 2020, at 1:52 PM, Garth <gart...@gmail.com> wrote:
>    Yep, I'm logged in Jim.  I can switch between the classic and new group 
> formats at will. I use Firefox desktop only w/Linux Mint. I just tried it 
> with Chrome also, no go there too. Classic view I can reply to author, new 
> view I cannot, as I showed in the photo I sent you. In fact, I could not 
> have even got to that point unless I was logged in. I've reported it google 
> so many times I lost count, so I do wonder if such reports are even read.  
> I do find it a bit comical though, having permission to not have permission 
> ! 
> On Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 3:52:48 PM UTC-4, Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
>> As a follow up to my follow up:
>> - I've confirmed that "Reply to author" was authorized in the group 
>> settings.
>> But in doing so, did notice that "Reply to author" is open only to group 
>> members (set that way on purpose).
>> I'm wondering if those of you who have experienced issues with this may 
>> have been logged out of the group - in other words, viewing it from another 
>> email/google ID which is not recognized as the member ID.
>> Since a few of you have had trouble only in mobile, I'm curious if that's 
>> a vector. 
>> Can you confirm that you are actually logged into the group when this is 
>> not functioning?
>> Again - thanks.
>> - J
>> On Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 12:45:52 PM UTC-7, Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
>>> As a quick follow up - I've received several screen shots which have me 
>>> covered. Thanks!
>>> Have send a request/bug report/trouble ticket thingy and will hopefully 
>>> have some understanding of the issue.
>>> Probably some nested setting lodged under an innocuous arrow or 
>>> three-dot-link.
>>> Thank you again.
>>> - Jim / list admin
> -- 
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