Trail for sure makes sense, lower has less stabilizing effect at rolling 
speeds but the other variables do have profundity beyond their list 
relegated value. My Rambouillet scared the heck out of me on a long steep 
downhill when it broke out in a full-on shimmy oscillation. I had no load 
other than my small seat pack with spare tube, spartan tools and a folding 
spare outside under the cinch. That was on 28c tires and was on a county 
asphalt road. Happened another time following a nominal brush of the 
handlebars going downhill in a local cemetery in a group.  

Never happened again after moving to 32 tires, regardless of load. 

The violence of that oscillation is sure memorable. Knees to the top tube! 
If you figure out the right formula of initiating a speed wobble, learn it 
and never repeat it!

Andy Cheatham

On Monday, August 31, 2020 at 3:43:47 PM UTC-4, Patrick Moore wrote:
> Shimmy can be caused by any number of things; it seems to be common with 
> low trail designs built from very light tubing. 
> Eliminating those 2 things leaves an indefinite number of other things. My 
> 2003 stout-tubed custom shimmied after I changed tires; with other tires, 
> it disappeared.
> Start by eliminating single things, like adding a couple of lbs or 
> removing a couple of lbs from your load. Change tire pressure. Change 
> tires. 
> Without more details about your bike and its setup, one can only 
> conjecture in a void.
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 11:54 AM Sam Perez < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> why does my front loaded bike shimmy at speeds when I let go of the 
>> handle bar head angle is 71.5. any thoughts? 
>> -- 
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> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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