I don't mind a blinking red rear in the day to help me get the attention of 
cars approaching from behind, BUT overall I like the Bright, Steady, Front 
and rear light. Often If my front light stops working for some reason, I 
discover it, because I notice people pulling out in front of me where 
normally they wouldn't. A dynamo is indispensable in my opinion; mine is on 
ALL the time, I never turn it off. Lights like the B&M, Supernova, Edelux, 
Etc. are great, but really a 40Lux light can be gotten for less than $40. 
and gives out just enough light to be able to see OK at night and ensure 
you are seen in the day.

Just my opinion, but I think blinking lights at night are drunk magnets; 
they are attracted to the pulsing light for some reason?

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