I'm not a big podcast listener but I highly recommend the one Leah 
mentioned. It's amazing, and parents in the '70s were nuts! 

On Friday, August 21, 2020 at 11:31:10 AM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> Julian, your childhood looks to be the stuff of dreams. What a cool and 
> eclectic group of kids - I think it’s rare that the older kids will let 
> much younger kids join their group. Yes, your Clem would feel right at home 
> - maybe this is why we like our Clems? They are a visit to our childhood 
> eras. Great photo!
> If anyone else’s appetite has been whet for a great story in the vein of 
> this thread, check out this podcast episode about a group of kids in the 
> 70s and a 240 miles bike trip that they took...alone. No parents. 2 states. 
> Zero supervision. 100% true.
> https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/heavyweight/id1150800298?i=1000451295628
> Sent from my iPad
> On Aug 21, 2020, at 9:58 AM, Julian Westerhout <weste...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Leah, 
> Here I am (on the far left) with three of my siblings and two kids from 
> the neighborhood on a fine fall day in Maryland circa 1971. 
> Note my Wald basket (descendants of which are on my Clem and our HHH), 
> wide tires, fenders, and upright bars. My Clem would feel right at home in 
> this photo. 
> The majorly cool kids in that group were the kid with the Sting Ray with 
> Ape Hanger handlebars and "realistic stick shifter" and my older brother on 
> the 10-speed -- he could ride up hills that we had to hop off and push.     
> :) 
> Bikes meant freedom to me then -- we could ride to scout meetings, to 
> sports, to friends' houses -- all on our own, and could explore the wood 
> paths on our bikes -- the feelings of empowerment and independence were 
> awesome. 
> Today, nothing too much has changed, other than I no longer have hair and 
> am a lot taller...      ;) 
> Julian Westerhout
> Bloomington, IL 
> On Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 9:20:50 PM UTC-5, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
> wrote:
>> Here is a thread that will veer just a bit from the normal subject 
>> matter. But it has been 112 degrees today, and we have to do something 
>> while we wait for our Platypus bikes. Going for a walk down memory lane is 
>> what we’re doing.
>> I recently found this treasure. Pictured is me, at 5 years old with my 
>> very first bike. My parents purchased it at a garage sale from a family in 
>> town. It was a Huffy Desert Rose (long, dramatic, wistful sigh here).The 
>> story was that the bike had been backed over but -yay!- the man of the 
>> house had welded the bike back into working order. I was THRILLED. I never 
>> had training wheels - I learned by taking off and crashing all over the 
>> neighborhood. I didn’t care if I was missing a lot of hide; I had wheels 
>> and I was going places in my tiny North Dakota town.
>> I would like to take this time to point out several things...
>> 1. I really think they nailed the saddle height on the first try.
>> 2. My bike had fenders! And they were clearly for decoration only.
>> 3. What shoes was I wearing? I don’t know, but what I can tell you I 
>> didn’t trouble myself with socks. 
>> 4. My celebrity lookalike was Mowgli from the Jungle Book. 
>> 6. Banana seats > Brooks saddles.
>> 7. No need for racks/baskets. I put a friend or a little sister on the 
>> banana seat and SHE carried the goods.
>> 8. Kids were tougher in the 80s. That bike was huge for 5-year-old me, 
>> but I rode it. Pedaling that bike felt like being stuck in the hardest gear 
>> going uphill always (the welder dad overestimated his abilities), but I 
>> rode the wheels off of it..most likely with flat tires.
>> In closing, I might also point out that I was into Rivendell before 
>> Rivendell was into Rivendell. Compare the Huffy with my Clementine - I was 
>> an early adopter.
>> This was the day the love affair began, friends. I am so happy to have a 
>> photo of it. Who else has a story about their first bike? Bonus points if 
>> you can also provide photos.
>> Leah
>> -- 
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