Racks like that are notorious for damaging bicycles.

On 7/13/20 7:39 PM, James Valiensi wrote:
I like watching my mountain bikes get marks due to wear. But hated to see them get bang up because of mishandling them. Grind a layer of paint off the chain stays from a muddy ride - cool. Drop the bike for no reason and band up a grip - not cool.

On Jul 13, 2020, at 4:34 PM, Scott McLain <scottamcl...@gmail.com <mailto:scottamcl...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I bought Dave's old root beer AHH. It came to me with a lot of beausage, but no dents.  I bought it assuming I would get it repainted.  I haven't done it.  It takes a lot of pressure off that it has lots of beausage.  The principal of beausage has changed my life.  I did find some clear protectant to make sure my bike didn't rust where the paint is missing.

My kids all know about beausage now.  I rarely buy something that I would not be able to handle it being dinged.

Except for my Martin HD-28.  That stays in the case.


On Monday, July 13, 2020 at 3:08:50 PM UTC-6, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:

    Every year I point the van north and drive from Vegas to small
    town North Dakota, and the lakes country of Minnesota. And every
    year I drag 3-4 bikes along with us on a Saris rack. I’ve gone
    through several different bikes in the past several years (the
    kids are growing, I switched to That Clem Life, etc) so I’ve
    never found an exact formula to make the bikes fit perfectly.
    This year I hauled my new loooonnnnngggg 52 cm Clementine (2019
    geo), the old 1st gen 52 cm blue Clem H, #theClemRider’s  little
    45 cm 2018 Clem H, and Baby Bear’s 24 inch Specialized Hot Rock.

    I never regret bringing my bikes, but I do admit I lament that
    they come back to Vegas in poorer condition than when they left.
    We always get caught in a rainstorm at some point, and usually
    more than once. After that I always notice creaking where there
    hadn’t been, rust on the heads of bolts or inside the braze-ons.
    I usually have new scuffs from the bikes knocking together on the
    rack, dirt and grit where I hadn’t had it before. One year I
    drove to a shooting range on 20 miles’ worth of gravel roads and
    the bikes were completely trashed at a level you can’t fathom.
    The Betty Foy (now sold) had a permanent ugly mark on the top
    tube where the arm bar of the rack had mashed the cable into the

    You would think I would learn and get this dialed in but I never
    really do. This year was really something - when was the last
    time you tried to get 3 Rivendells with Bosco bars on a rack?
    Boscos don’t play nicely. Three of 4 of the bikes had baskets,
    and all 4 had racks. Yeah, nightmare.

    So, this vacation I have discovered new ways to damage my bikes.
    I’ll provide the photos and explanations in the next post...


Steve Palincsar
Alexandria, Virginia

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